29 Dec 2023

As you sow, shall ye reap...

There was a brief respite from the incessant rain this morning so I went for a run. No big deal, right? Well, not for most people - for me, however, it is a very big deal. 

But as per usual - well done me for getting out there, well done me for not stopping, well done me for doing the warm-up walk first and preventing the hurty bits from hurting so much.

But, look at this:

3.88 km

7m 10s per km

Even slower than last time. 

But, I'm even heavier than last time.

So there it is. There is almost a lb-for-lb correlation between weight and distance/speed, and right now I'm at an inflection point (hopefully). From now on I will be faster and fitter.

Easy to say, obvs, but now Christmas is out of the way and only a week away with chums to over-indulge coming up, I can embark on the long road back to fitness and weight loss and increased happiness at my freedom from binge-eating. 

16 Dec 2023

Am I terribly unfit or the strongest I've ever been?

I gave myself no excuse, didn't overthink it and just got out the door. I knew it was going to be a hard one because it's been such a long time and I still have the issue with my hamstrings or whatever part of me that's hurty. 


7m 02s per km

I was dreading the calf niggle but that was OK - full disclosure I have been stretching it a bit, well done me. The hamstrings, or whatever part of me it is that's hurty, were aching a bit (and I expect I'll suffer tomorrow) but other than that, I ran all the way and felt out of breath and very fat and slow. 

So in that sense, I am unfit and not exactly primed for running.

But. I went for a run. And kept going. Isn't overcoming adversity and fear the very definition of strength?

25 Nov 2023

Woe is very much me #2

Same thing.

Beautiful morning - perishingly cold but bright and sunny. I'd already committed to running this morning so I was going for it. I did the usual routine, including some general warm-up moves which are pretty good for getting going in the mornings, and I often do them. But it was so cold I decided that I wouldn't do the warm-up walk once I got out the door. 

Is that where I went wrong?

It was OK until about 2.5 km in, and despite taking it very easy, that tiny ache in my left calf muscle kicked in. So I did the sensible thing and walked home. In the cold. 

2.66 km

7m 35s per km 

I have to address this issue if I want to keep running. Last time, I left it about 4 weeks until the ache had gone completely (it had been aching when I wasn't doing anything, even when just sitting down) So that will happen again. Also, I will do strengthening exercises, the calf raises. I had thought about seeing a sports injury person but in truth, I know they will simply say I have to strengthen my calves: I can't see any way around that. I don't think there is anything intrinsically wrong with my leg, I'm just a bit overweight and haven't got the strength in those little muscles. 

So there it is. Another few weeks of just wondering if I will be able to run again. And more time to over-dramatise the fact that on occasion I get out the door and go for a run. I somehow still see myself as being 'a runner'. But all the new clothing in the world won't make the pain go away: that requires dedication and determination. 

26 Oct 2023

Woe is very much me

So I made it out the door, after all the usual faff, did the warm-up walk and got going. But then the tiny niggle in my left calf became more insistent. 

So I cut the run very short and came home. I do not want to go through the whole recovery thing again. In future, I will take far more notice if there is a niggle but also do some calf exercises which are very dull but may do the trick

3.07 km

6m 58 per km

19 Oct 2023

Why am I doing this?

By 'this' I mean running, not just writing this blog which in itself is a bit of a mystery.

I mean, I get so tired and out of breath - really struggling to get enough air into my lungs. (But isn't that  when it's doing most good ?) It's good to get out of breath for time to time to improve fitness. But I also know it will never get any better: as soon as it feels better that means you're not putting in enough effort. So by keeping the same perceived level of effort you're improving every time. Can I live with that level of discomfort? 

When I catch sight of my reflection in car windows, I feel ashamed of how I look. I'm fat, barrell-shaped, red in the face. I shouldn't be inflicting the sight of me on the general public. I actually saw 2 people I know this morning which was troubling: firstly my neighbour which meant I had to change my route to avoid running too close or even worse, chatting (cos I was on my warm-up walk) (does anyone else do that?) Then as I was finishing I saw a former colleague which was really nice but I did have to explain I was on my way home rather than setting out. 

Discombobulated, generally.


6m 57s per km.


But I did it. 

12 Oct 2023


So I was well pleased with myself for not going out first thing due to the rain but, rather, waiting for it to stop and then going out. 

I felt OK - no wine for a week or so, eating well, sleeping well so there was absolutely no reason for me to be running at 6m 50s per km pace. But there it is. 

5.36km at a snail's pace.

But it's done and I am grateful for that small mercy.

29 Sept 2023

Well done me

Indeed. I got up and went for a run. It's a nice morning which helped, plus I'd decided last night to run, which also helped. And it was OK. It's my lack of fitness and excess weight which makes it so hard - but when my breath feels most laboured, that's when the most benefit is happening. Right? My inner monologue tells me that, and I keep going. 


6m 45s per km

Not unhappy with that

21 Sept 2023

It was sunny

And that's the most interesting thing about this morning's run. I mean, runs are not inherently interesting if they're just done for exercise. It's when there is a challenge they become interesting; there is jeopardy.  

The only jeopardy for me is whether my calf issues flare up. 

My hamstrings are achy and they don't seem to get any better even with stretching. I hope it's nothing to do with my hips. 

And that was today's run.


6m 44s per km

13 Sept 2023

I do this now

I do this now

I do this now

I do this now

I do this now

However I look at it, I've been for a run when I didn't really feel like it, but I didn't hate the idea. So I went. Is this how it's supposed to be? A neutral event? 


6m 57 per km.

I knew it was slow, but also that slow is fine. It was 340 calories (like that is a worthwhile statistic to have on the app...) My max pace was 4m 38s per km which is insanely fast for me... But equally irrelevant as I'm not after PBs. 

So I do this now. 

9 Sept 2023


Skumfished? I've thought about it too much now. I think it's a northern word for being very hot. It sounds better than it looks written down... 

It might be the hottest day of the year today - bit off for mid-September but I guess that's what we've done to the world.

I was out about 7am to miss the worst of the heat (and to get the run over and done with) so it was quite nice. 

5.12 km (so happy when the lady told me I'd done the 5k!)

6m 48s per km

It's slow but I am still very unfit and struggle on the gentle hills. Will I keep this up once the weather turns cold? I don't know. I do know it's good for me to run even the little that I do.


7 Sept 2023

Three metres

4.97 km

If I'd left turning off the tracker for maybe another second I'd have heard the lady tell me I'd gone the full 5k 

It could have been worse - I almost walked - so very nearly. I think it was a combination of the stifling heatwave we're having and not having anything to eat (other than 550ml wine...) last night. And the extra weight I'm carrying without the amelioration of weight training. 

So - job done

6m 38 per km

3 Sept 2023

Achievement level: outstanding


6m 45s per km

Did it.

Well done me.

I won't do myself down for achieving such an unambitious goal because it's been a long time coming. What I do have to do is not rest on it. Now that I've done it I can do it again and I can never do less - unless I'm on a different run and don't know how far I've gone. 

29 Aug 2023

50% chance of rain

Usual dilemma: 50% chance of rain so I decided it would be foolish beyond reason to go out. 

However, I can be foolish beyond reason so out I went.

Happily, there was no rain. Also I had my new bum bag which was sold as some kind of miracle running accessory because it has a hole for your headphone cable to poke through. It's just a bum bag though. And it would keep my phone dry if it did rain. So I know I look like a bit of a twat but surely the point is I'm out there. If people choose to judge then so be it.

4.14 km

6m 47 per km

Not sure how the usual route was shorter today but I do go round the back of Tescos which may be some kind of portal...

25 Aug 2023


I hate that feeling when you know you can't get enough oxygen into your lungs. My lungs. Yours are probably very capacious. 

But I didn't even slow down much which I am taking as a win. 

It was the normal route:


6m 36s per km 

So quite acceptable for me.

I was remembering that not so long ago I would run down to the city farm in St Werberghs then along the railway path, up the loooong hill back to Horfield Common and back home. That feels impossible now.  And I know even if I set that as some kind of a goal, I don't care enough to go for it. After all, what would come next? I want to enjoy running, to feel the benefits and frankly I'm not great at challenging myself. Although completing the C25K was a pretty awesome achievement. For a low achiever... 

21 Aug 2023

No excuses

Nothing truly hurt. 

Did 4.3km at 6m 43s so pretty standard.

The biggest struggle other than actually getting out of the door is getting my sports bra fastened. 

My lungs were screaming as I'm unfit - but this is how I will get fit, of course. 

It's very simple and yet I've been making a song and dance about it for so long I don't know how to just get over myself and nonchalantly go for a run 

1. is the weather going to be ok

2. kit      a. bra - always a challenge to get into 

               b. what do I wear to feel like I've covered up the worst bits?

               c. will I be warm/cool enough?

3. sounds - what to listen to - podcasts are best but there are some very dull ones out there. I've taken to deciding the night before but it's still a bit hit or miss. And don't get me started on trying to find ones I'm 1/2 way through but haven't subscribed to, or getting the next one to play in order (looking at you BBC Sounds) Sometimes it's easier to listen to live radio or some motivational music. 

4. How far to go - so scared of going too far and not being able to get back. I have never been unable to get back (Other than stress fractures and calf pulls...)

etc - it's all just flummery

14 Aug 2023

No drama

Just a run, avoided the rain, and no significant pain. 

But goodness was I tired. I had very little energy - not sure why. Age? Too much extra weight?

Whatever, I deliberately slowed down a lot towards the end - but at least I didn't stop. The voice from the C25K was in my head, saying something like:  'I know you're tired but you can do this.'  So is that the lasting legacy of C25K? Whatever, I got through the whole run without dying. So well done me. 


6m 38per km. Insanely fast - no wonder I was tired... 

I do wonder if the mapmyrun app is accurate, though. I can't believe I was that fast over the whole distance. I did do a burst for the last 100m or so and that was a killer but I can't believe it would have made much difference to the overall speed.

It's still a win though, and I'll take that. 

8 Aug 2023

What's going on?

Me: I'm going for a run this morning 

Weather Forecast: it's going to rain 

Me: I'm not going for a run, I'll do the garden instead

WF: Didn't you see - it's going to rain so you're not going to do the garden either are you 

Me: True. I'm going to stay in bed

Me (looking out of the window at the actual weather) But it's not raining now...

WF: um, right - but it will be, you mark my words. Symbols.

Me: I could go now and hopefully beat the rain... (does warm-up exercises) 

WF: Don't say I didn't warn you

Me: (leaving out the house) I'll come back if it does tank down

(Double-checks the weather forecast)

Me: Now you're saying it's not going to rain

WF: You have passed the test. Well done

Me: I'm having an imaginary conversation with the Met Office weather app.

It was fine. Usual niggles


6m 41 per km

And it didn't rain 


3 Aug 2023

Well done me

I surprised myself this morning: there I was noodling away on the sofa wondering how accurate the rain forecast was going to be (it should have been raining then but wasn't) when I realised I have a thing to do at 10am and if I didn't get going right there and then, I wasn't going to go. Of course I have not gone for a run many, many times but not this time. So off I went.

Well done me, indeed. 

Slightly achy Achilles but that seemed to ease along the way. Just the usual hip and top of hamstrings things. 

4.07 km running - don't count the warm-up walk

6m 50s per km which is respectable for me.

So if I can find another km out there I will soon be at my target. Yay. 

25 Jul 2023

This might very well be the new normal.


4.63 km (including the warm-up walk at the beginning)

7m 26s per km. Again, including the warm-up walk at the beginning. 

So getting towards the 5k and I felt OK. Bit lungy but that surely is part of the reason one runs - to get fitter which requires effort. The e-word. Not my favourite.

Anyway - I did it, no drama

15 Jul 2023

The new normal?

So - my legs felt heavy this morning. Probably because I am overweight and they carry that extra burden... But I'd committed (somehow - there are no consequences or rewards for doing this) (Oh, hang on - isn't it all about rewards and consequences?) to going out this morning. My thinking was (I overthink it, it's why running's a rare occurrence. Note that during the c25k there was no thinking involved and I just went out and did it. Lesson) that the weather is about to turn unusually stormy later this morning and I'd cancelled a Body Pump class so I had to do something. 

It was mainly ok - a bit out of breath like I should be and there was the heavy legs thing going on but mainly OK. Until I think about my Achilles: it was a little bit hurty all the way round, but it didn't get (much) worse. It's better when I concentrate on my knees rather than my feet. I'm trying to remember the Malcolm Balk session when I'm sure he said something about visualising your knees moving in a circle rather than your feet hitting the ground... It's all a bit vague now - probably about 15 years ago. Just after the 1/2 marathon (2006) but it did help a bit. Calfs are fine. 

This new normal thing - 5 minute warm-up walk, do the run trying not to hurt my Achilles, then icing for 10 mins while I do this. 


6m 39s per km - wait, that's insane. I was running slowly. I do not think that's right but I didn't do anything different. I mean - yay! 

7 Jul 2023

This is OK, right?

It is a beautiful morning, I awoke refreshed and have a nice new top. I am living the dream. 

It was OK - I did the 5-minute warm-up walk which I can only assume is the secret to this even though I'd rather leave the house running, but you know, getting old means compromise... 

My Achilles was the worry - it's still aching, a niggle, nothing serious but there is the constant thought that it would trigger my calf muscles and I'd end up walking back feeling wretched. But - it didn't get any worse (well, maybe a little bit) and I've given it 10 mins of ice so fingers crossed it will be fine for 2 runs a week (building up to 3, let's not be unambitious here)

And I felt OK lung-wise. Not super fit but nothing like the gasping red-faced loser I have been. 

So, am I now a 'runner'? Looking at the stats, I'm more of a jogger but that's more than a couch potato. 


6m 51 per km

3 Jul 2023

mostly OK, which feels like a win

win #1    I went for a run 

win #2    I have just got in and it's just started tanking down

win #3    my Achilles doesn't hurt much more than it did before

win #4    my calf muscles are fine

So I'm being Ms Sensible and having 10 mins of ice on my left leg, not that it's injured, just to give it a treat for getting me out there for 30 mins

4.14km, 7min 10 per km

Basically a brisk walk then, but that's not the point is it. I did the 5 min walk and ran very slowly. Not too out of breath which was nice and I was very aware of how my leg was feeling. Perhaps over-thinking it? Well, whatever I am back without feeling depressed or angry about how my body lets me down. 

I'm getting old, I'm not going to beat myself up about not being able to run like I could when I did the 1/2 marathon: perhaps if I'd kept up with running then I'd be an impressively fit ultra runner. I might not have had stress fractures. Etc. 

There is no point in dwelling on such things.

I went for a run and came back relatively uninjured. 


25 Jun 2023

Definitely voodoo

Full disclosure: I did have a tiny niggle in my Achilles this morning, but it's been getting better all week and surely a week is long enough to get over these things? 

So I sensibly did the 5-minute walk and it felt as ok as my poor feet ever get these days. And initially the run was fine. I've definitely seen an improvement in my fitness which is most gratifying. So I trundled along, being mindful of the niggle which remained in my Achilles rather than my calf muscle, so all's well, right? But it was getting tighter and I did walk a couple of times just in case. It didn't really kick off until I got back onto Bishop Road, only 1/2k or so from home so I walked back from there.

And now I'm icing my leg. The muscle had a kind of knot in it so hopefully the ice thing will ease that. Plus paracetamol. I'm not squeamish about anti-inflammatories.

During the C25K I didn't have the amount of pain I'm having now - or did I just run through it? There were no injuries like the muscle/Achilles thing I've got going on now.

So do I live with it, gingerly running once a week or so and hoping that it doesn't kick off again? Do I get some shoes with a bit of a heel lift? Do I go to the running physio and get some advice? All of the above? 

18 Jun 2023


I absolutely refuse to believe that there was some kind of voodoo in the c25k app which prevented my calf muscles hurting and now that I'm beyond it, the magic has gone. 

My calf hurts.

I was very responsible and did some warm-up dynamic stretches as described in Runners World and I think they helped - I don't want to walk for 5 mins, I want to leave the house like a gazelle. 

4.38 km 

I did stop running when my calf really kicked off so possibly it would have been 5k if I'd got home. 

6m 46 per km so that is fine by me. The goal (kind of) of doing 5k in 30 mins feels like a long shot. And I'm not that bothered.

I'm still out of breath on the hills but I guess that's exercise for you

12 Jun 2023

Couch to 5k: week 9 Runs 25 - 26 - 27 WHOOP!!!!

Run 25: really very unpleasant and overly challenging. I thought I'd give myself a treat and run around the downs - not done that for more than a year. It's such a palaver cycling up there but that's basically on me. If there is another time it'll be smoother.

So I set off running and it felt like hard work, like I didn't have much energy. And it got worse. The very gentle hills seem insurmountable to my aching lungs. (my legs and various aches and pains were OK though)

Towards the end, when was desperate for Laura to tell me there are just 5 minutes left, I slowed down to the 'not quite walking' pace and just crawled back to my bike. I was so out of breath, so tired, and so uncomfortable (for another reason which I will not elaborate on), that I had thoughts of giving up - on this run and the whole programme (never been known for my resilience)

But I rationalised the possible reasons for my alarming loss of fitness. Mainly that I spent the weekend eating and drinking too much  - never a good thing. Plus the Downs is all off-road which is harder than pavements. (I'm ignoring the fact that the local route is about 50% off-road...) And it is very hot today. 

But I won't give up with just 2 more runs to go, that would be a waste. And next time I'll stick to the route I've been using round here and hope that today was just an odd day. 

I think I hit the 5k mark (again, failed to use mapmyrun properly)

And the average pace (which included a bit of walking ) was 6m 42s per km (so maybe my extra 'speed' is why I felt so wrecked?) 

Best split was 6m 16s which is insane for me... 

Run 26: Second to last run - and it was so much better than the last one. Thank goodness. It was the usual route but with some extra twists to get the distance. And I did it. I still don't care for even the slightest hills, but that is where the magic happens, right? 

My left Achilles is a little sore - really hope it doesn't develop into anything more serious because I don't want to stop this momentum. 


Run 27 pros: new running bra (very comfy); running shorts (ugly but not their fault)

cons: slightly achy Achilles; still finding 'hills' harder than they should be; haven't quite found a 5k route. 

4.47km  6m 54 per km

I feel really happy to have done this. As long as the Achilles thing doesn't get any worse, I believe I can keep running 3 times a week for about 30 mins or 5k. It makes the Parkrun seem like an achievement. 

It might change once the weather stops being so perfect. I've been lucky that most of the training has been in nice weather - there is a lot of rain to come. Perhaps a waterproof phone cover? 

I really am going for it... 

Rambling blog entry.

6 Jun 2023

Couch to 5k: week #8 runs 22 - 23 - 24

 run 22

Well - another step up: today's run was 28 minutes. 

And it was fine. I mean, really, it was fine. I added a little extra distance to get nearer the full 5k and according to Mapmyrun it was 4.57km but I didn't start it at the right point so it was possibly shorter than that. But getting closer. Incidentally, it's telling me my average speed was 7m 1s per km which included some walking so I'm OK with that. 

So, here I am.

I think what helps is not drinking and eating far too much before going for a run. Who knew? 

Run 23

So - I did it again, as in, I forgot to start the app so I walked for 5+ mins, realised my horrible mistake and began the 5-minute warm-up walk after 5 mins or so. So I basically ran for 33 mins, adding on some extra distance. Well done me, right? 

And it was OK. I feel like I've turned a corner and got just a little bit fitter. I could be fooling myself of course but I didn't feel particularly out of breath and my hurty bits didn't hurt so much. 

Mapmyrun says 5.59 km but that included the walk at the start but I will count this as a 5k run. Yay!

For the next one - Sunday probably - I will do the mapmyrun properly and see where I get to. But, excitingly, I'm planning to do that one on the downs. I have a weird short shift on Sunday morning and can then cycle up the endless hill (so I won't include the warmup) and see how far I get. I used to love running up there. Why did I stop? One of the main reasons, even though it sounds utterly trivial, is that I have to go through a stupid procedure to get out of the house on my bike. It's a sorry tale of missing locks and walks through the house. 

But - yay - well done me. 

This is despite this list of current injuries to my poor feet:

1. the toe operation. It's healed and is doing what it was supposed to, as in eliminating the stabbing pain in the joint

2. the arthritis remaining in the joint: mostly it's fine but it causes pain elsewhere

3. I dropped scaffolding on my 2nd toe yesterday and gouged out a chunk near my nail - it's still a bit weepy. Lovely

4. new sandals - the blisters have more or less healed 

5. Barge injury - the hole in my left heel is closing but it's still painful to put weight through

Feet are so important: I don't feel I can walk with any grace or elegance at the mo. I know I will never wear heels again. Luckily I like a chunky sole...  

Fastest split was 6m 41s per km.

Run 24: Probably OK - don't remember it. But I know I felt good afterwards.

3 Jun 2023

couch to 5k: week #7 runs 19 - 20 - 21

So this week we've - I've - been doing - smashing - 25-minute long runs. And they feel very long. I'm craving the midpoint bell and Laura telling me I'm doing ever so well... But the psychology of waiting for permission to stop, to slow down, whatever, is very strong. 

So - that's week 7 done.

I'm having to leave 2 lots of 2 day rests for various reasons - one being I've booked body pump next week and I think doing those classes is more beneficial than sticking to the single rest day. So, that. 

This week's middle run was along the Kennet and Avon Canal, which is utterly beautiful. We were lucky with the gorgeous spring weather of course but the flat towpath was just heavenly to run along.

Or it would have been if, 1. I hadn't been gorging on full English breakfasts and fish and chips for lunch and copious amounts of wine, and 2. I hadn't gouged out a chunk of my heel by sliding off the boat roof onto the door lock. Luckily it was on a bit of my heel which doesn't get a lot of pressure when running - but it really hurts when I walk. So that was a challenge... 

Next week it's 28-minute runs. 3 times a week. Unheard of. Will it trigger some kind of running mania in me? Or will it be another of my short-lived passions which I will get to the end of and never do again? At least with this one, there is an obvious benefit of keeping going with it. 

22 May 2023

couch to 5K: week #6 runs 16 - 17 -18

 Run 16

I don't feel any fitter. Perhaps if I get some new running kit I will feel better. Ha ha.

But - 5 + 8 + 5-minute runs which is OK, right? Or am I kidding myself about this? Will I ever really respect myself for this? Surely I need to aim higher? 

Listening to 'Tagged', a podcast. It's the final episode but I feel like there should be more to come - there is no denouement. Perhaps the point is the police are forever playing catch-up with the Evie character and will never actually find her? 

My right foot is feeling stiff. I guess it's because I can't use the big toe joint and the effort is going through the rest of my foot and it's not up to it. But I'm having a follow-up consultation on Wednesday, with an x-ray. Yay!

Update on 'Tagged' - the Evie character was definitely one step ahead...

Runs 16 & 18

Well - I've just done 25 mins on run 18 which I frankly struggled with. I am unfit (have I mentioned this before?) plus I don't have the leg strength I used to have when I regularly did weights at the gym. But circumstances change and I abandoned all that and consequently have become weak and overweight. I'm such a catch. 

But, for the last minute, I did run quite a lot faster (on the suggestion of Laura in my ears) and it felt good. OK, it was on the end bit where it's slightly downhill, but still.

So I've completed week 6 - 3 more to go. The next run is another 25 mins but that is OK. I can do this. 

The big question is - once I've done the whole 9 weeks - will I stick with the running?

16 May 2023

Couch to 5k week #5; runs 13 - 15

They're saying it kicks up a gear this week - and 8-minute runs suddenly seem like a big deal. Not to mention a 20-minuter on run 15.

Things are going OK - I've developed a new niggle on my left foot and I'm concerned it might be because of the new bike which might be a little bit small and making the leverage all wrong. But hopefully it was just my ageing carcass throwing another spanner in the works.

So I've done run 15 now and it's escalating!

This was 5 minutes walk then a 20 - twenty! - minute run. That's quite a leap after the 8 mins the last couple of runs. It was the first time the psychology came into the talk, explaining that it's about convincing your brain that you can keep going the distance. And it's true. I am so disappointed that I've allowed myself to put on weight and lose any kind of fitness and strength I used tp have - this programme is actually perfect to get me going again. I feel like I'm improving run on run and despite the slightly patronising tone I trust it to get me back to where I was quite a long time ago. It's also making me realise that to get there - and to maintain the fitness benefit I'm getting - I have to keep going, run three times a week, every week. And become addicted to it. Ha ha. 'The running life chose me' (tiktok reference) 

Now I'm going to run this through chatgpt:

So, guess what? The 'Couch to 5k' app just cranked it up a notch this week! Those 8-minute runs suddenly feel like a huge accomplishment. And get this, on run 15, they threw a 20-minute challenge at me. Can you believe it?

Overall, things are going alright, but I've got this new issue with my left foot. I'm worried it might be because of the bike I recently got. It's probably a tad too small, messing up the leverage. But hopefully, it's just my aging body causing some trouble.

Anyway, I've reached run 15 now, and it's getting intense!

This time it was a 5-minute walk followed by a whopping 20-minute run. Can you imagine? It's quite a jump from the previous 8-minute runs. The app even started talking about the psychology behind it all, convincing your brain that you can push through. And you know what? It's true. I'm really bummed out that I let myself gain weight and lose all the fitness and strength I used to have. But this program is perfect for getting me back on track. With each run, I can feel myself improving, despite the app's slightly condescending tone. I trust it to help me regain my former glory, which feels like ages ago.

It's also making me realize that if I want to reach my goals and maintain the fitness benefits I'm getting, I have to keep going. Three runs a week, every week. I might even become addicted to it. Ha ha! As they say, 'The running life chose me' (you know, that TikTok reference)

wow. 'Bummed out' 

Perhaps overdid the casual tone there, Chat.

But it does sound like a slightly unhinged human, someone pretending to be down with the kids perhaps 

7 May 2023

Couch to 5k week #4: runs 10 - 12

 Run 10

And I got back with time to spare. There were 16 mins of running this week which has made a big difference. And it felt OK. According to the Apple health thing, it was 3.9kms but I don't think that's right as the Mapmyrun one seems to say it's well over 4. So I guess next time (Tuesday) I will set the Mapmyrun one and see just how far. 

Rather excitingly I went the opposite way round (this is how lame my life has got, that shaking things up a bit means going clockwise...) which meant that I had the first 'long' run (5 mins, I'll have you know) going slightly uphill - and it showed just how unfit I've got - and also how good it is the have the motivation of being controlled by the app. 

You are what you eat: recently I've been eating crap - lots of ultra-processed food which I convince myself is balanced out by my healthy salad lunches. Trouble is, everything counts - and I'm feeling quite seedy on it. That and the wine and I have no doubts about why it is I'm overweight, depressed and unmotivated. 

run 11

It was fine. No drama. I've proved to myself I can be run, showered and ready for the day ahead by 9am. Then I remember back in the 1/2 marathon days I would get up, run 7+ miles and be at work for 930. So my aspirations have been rather curbed. 

But I did Mapmyrun this morning and... 

3.84 km (I've been fooling myself thinking it was further...)

7m 45s per km (a lot of walking)

But - I'm nearly 1/2 way through and those stats can only get better.

So well done me for sticking with it and well done the C25K app.

run 12


no drama 

it is a lovely morning and I've decided I don't much like the music mixes I've been listening to but then I don't know what I would like to listen to either. Usually this time of day it's Radio 4 but it's not very motivating...

30 Apr 2023

Couch to 5k week #3: runs 7 - 9

 run 7

It was ok. My Achilles seems to be holding up and my hip is not worse, so that's all good. There is another issue which is not for this page. 

Longer runs now - 3 minutes! Twice! It feels a little pathetic considering I probably could run for far longer, but I'm sticking with the programme as it'll help me ease back into it with less chance of overdoing it, getting injured and stopping for weeks until I'm confident it won't happen again. So sensible!

Not long now until blossom dump 2023

run 8

Nothing special. No drama.

Still over-running by about 1.5k I think. But I can't reduce the distance to fit in with the app - so I'm guessing as the weeks go on I will get to the end at the same time as the app. Oo - exciting!

There is a new challenge: I have a painter coming to do the outside of the house and he'll start about 9am - so I have to be done and showered by then. No biggie. 

run 9

I was up, out, run showered and dressed for 9am. Well done me, right?

re: blossom dump: I don't think it's a patch on last year's.

23 Apr 2023

couch to 5K week #2 runs 4-6

 Run #4

Still doing it! The prompt of 'having' to do a run makes it easier to do. Having the option to wait until I feel like it just means I never 'have' to get out there. 

So, well done me. 

Niggles: a little on the left Achilles but nothing significant. Left hamstring's a bit hurty. Also left hip. There is a theme here: the limb with the severely compromised foot is doing OK. 

The schedule is 90-second runs and 2-minute walks 5 times with 5-minute walks at each end. Do run a little further but I doubt that will damage me. Other than the Achilles, hips etc

Run #5

Again, it's most definitely the imperative of getting this done which gets me out the door. Despite the niggles. A newish one this morning - after the end of the final 90-second run my left calf gave a little dull ache. Hmm. So I did the 5-minute warm-down walk and jogged a little bit more and it was fine. Fingers crossed for that one. My left hip is now aching but everything else is OK.

I am so unfit though - I know I used to actually run the 4+ km every so often - but then I wouldn't do it for weeks. I guess the point of the c25k is that you build up fitness along with strength? I hope so. It can't make me any worse. 

Run #6

I went against my own advice this morning and did the run. My hip is hurting (lateral hip pain, I've been googling) but doesn't seem to hurt while running. There is a tender area at the top of my hip which hurts when I press it. So I don't press it. I may go to the physio again and see what he says. Or my lovely osteopath. 

But I actually wanted to do it. The motivation following the action of committing to the plan? I don't know what it is or how long it's going to last but perhaps, just perhaps, in another 7 weeks I will have completed it and have run the full 5k. Or 30 mins as they call it. That would be a fast 5k for me... 

16 Apr 2023

Couch to 5K week #1 runs 1-3

 I'm doing it!

Well, I've started doing it.

Backtrack: the operation was on 17 March and it went really well. I'd hoped I could have spent a few days on the sofa with codeine and Netflix but there wasn't enough pain. This is a good thing of course: I simply wanted more drama!

I've been walking to get it all working again and mostly that's been ok other than a bit of an ache from the actual arthritic joint. The operation seems to have worked. Fingers crossed the ache will ease over the next few weeks. 

week 1: run 1

But the run! I've been thinking about it for a while - getting back into running without overdoing it has been the issue. So the C25K seems to be a good idea. It really does start off gently - a 5-minute walk? I was glad there were only a few people around to notice me looking like I was failing to run. But everyone's heard of C25K so that was my excuse as if I needed one... I did judge the distance a bit wrong and ended up having to jog another 10 mins to get home - but it was downhill which seems to be an ok thing - I expect I'll do the same route in the coming weeks.

The actual running was a very gentle jog. Very gentle. It probably wouldn't have registered on the Mapmyrun app. But that's OK. My left Achilles was a tiny bit achy but my right foot never got any worse than the ache from walking. So that's all good.

I have thought that perhaps I need more support in my heels to compensate for the lack of bend in my foot? Perhaps one to think about if I get into this C25K a bit more.

So I am now committed to doing this 3 times a week for the next 9 weeks and I will be back to my gazelle-like best. Or I could skip a week and get there sooner. Or I could take my time and actually get there without any stupid injuries: walk before you run.

Distance according to the health app which comes with the phone: 3.9 km

week 1: run 2

Blimey. Well, if I hadn't committed to doing this thing I would not have gone for a run. In the afternoon, so help me. Just unheard of. I have to diminish it in my head so that it's just something I squeeze into the day - no biggie. I know I tend to over-dramatise running a bit - for heaven's sake I write a blog after every run, what's wrong with me. So getting a 30-minute run into perspective can only be a good thing. 

I don't trust the iPhone app distance cos I think I went pretty much the same way today and it was 4.26 km. The kicker is that I didn't start the C25K app properly and so I walked for a bit, wondered when the run was coming up and realised it hadn't begun measuring. I am an idiot. So I started it and ran until the end of the first run. So again I did more than I was supposed to but that can only be a good thing.

So here I am, buzzing with enthusiasm because I haven't given up already. Only 25 runs to go and I will be doing 5ks all over the place.

week 1: run 3

Well, I've discovered what the bell was - not in fact a cyclist coming up behind me, but the actual halfway point of the run. Yay! That's good for when I'm running along a towpath and don't know when to turn around. Well done me.

It was OK this morning: a beautiful sunny day which always helps. I have an old ache in my left hamstring and a new one in my right groin area. But I think that will all run off over the coming weeks. After all there is a lot of rest and recovery built in which is probably good for my foot as well. Next week will be a bit more running so perhaps the route I do (4.2km this time) will be covered in the duration of the app rather than me having to run a bit further to get home.

So why is this working? I guess it's because I have to do it now; I'm committed. It was unheard of to go 3 times a week and yet here I am. And I think I will keep going with it. What happens at the end of the 9 weeks is another matter. Hopefully by then I will be an elite runner addicted to the highs. That would be nice... 

23 Feb 2023

Is it time to stop?

I did go out this morning and it was OK. Motivation follows action, and all that. 

So there I was trotting around the usual route, 3/4 of the way home - and my left calf began to ache a bit. So I stopped and stretched a bit and the pain kicked in. Bloody hell it was intense. I walked (limped) home, hoping that would loosen it a bit, but no. And now, a few hours later, if I get it wrong the pain just kicks right back in.

Should I just stop doing this to myself? Is my 'dream' of being a 'runner' just a stupid whim? Walking is apparently quite good for you and I've done a lot of that over the past 3 years or so. But actual aerobic fitness is another thing altogether. I believe running is perfect - you can take it anywhere. But I also now feel like it's beyond me, that I'm not made to run. 

Or are there exercises I can do to mitigate the potential for injury? Of course there must be because I don't get injured every time I go out. It just feels like it. 

So I will consult Dr Google and see if I can help myself. Of course, there is the operation in 3 weeks which will put me out of running action for a while - but perhaps it will give me time to work on the physio?

Watch this space... 


6m 54 per km

damn and blast...

11 Feb 2023

That was fine

I didn't even stress too much about getting out there. I mostly made the decision last night when I cancelled the Body Pump class I'd booked for this morning (I do tend to cancel more classes than I attend. Poor attitude) 

So I went out and didn't walk and didn't feel quite so out of breath. I got tired and kind of ignored the plan to add a few more metres and make it to 5k, but generally I feel very pleased with myself. 

4.51 km

6m 48s per km

So actually it was faster than I've been for ages and one of the splits was 6m 24s. Means nothing. Keep going 

Listening to a podcast: 'Stolen Hearts' on Wondery

30 Jan 2023

I've got this

Yesterday I walked a lot - 13.4 km in fact which is a good thing of course. But it really made my stupid toe ache. So this morning when I had my run all planned out, I really wasn't sure about going. But I said if it didn't calm down a bit I would cut it short rather than actually injure it more than nature has done already.

But it got better (or no worse anyway) and I did the whole thing, including the muddy cut-through leading to a climb. So well done me. 

4.69 km (edging closer to the magical 5k...)

7m 07 per km - which I blame partly on the deliberately slow start plus faffing around while trying to get the next episode of the podcast running. It's a shortcoming of Sounds that if you start a series it seems to run the order backwards. There will be a way around it, but not when you're striding majestically across Horfield common... 

So, that's a win

25 Jan 2023

Less Bouncy

When I got my Asics shoes (June 2016) they felt very bouncy indeed. I wore them today and they are definitely flat. Last time out my semi-off-road ones were making my feet ache on impact so I wondered if the others would be better, and they were. But they were slippy on the off-road bits. Who'd have thought? So, do I get new regular ones?

Area of concern this time: it's my lungs, they don't give me enough oxygen. So - I'm unfit? Got to be. My actual body was fine - nothing hurting too much (achy calfs, nothing too bad) but my throat felt constricted which I guess is the definition of not getting enough air which is about being unfit. So I have to keep pushing. I kept telling myself how much I was enjoying the experience. Once I got to the highest point it felt a lot better.

Not the best post over, but it's a habit and I like reading back over the years 

4.44km (edging closer to the 5k...)

6m 41s per km and that is the fastest I have been for a long time (17 May last year in fact) 

17 Jan 2023

Comfort zone

 So; 'comfort zone', specifically, 'out of'

1. I'm in Boston Tea Party in Bishopston, being one of those annoying people who nest in the booths with a laptop and no intention of allowing anyone else in until they've finished what they're doing. I turned up here with huge plans to crack on with some of one of the many courses I've signed up to recently, but I've fallen at the Adobe hurdle: I don't know if my laptop is out of date (early 2014???) or the problem lies within my grey matter...  No matter, I've ground to a halt: obviously getting out of the wfh comfort zone isn't working for me today. 

2. I've taken up sleeping on the other side of the bed, just for the hell of it. It feels very odd, but also nice. However, this change has coincided with my piling on weight recently. The phrase 'correlation does not mean causation' springs to mind. So perhaps there are more fundamental reasons for the weight piling on.  Overeating maybe. 

But - of course the sole reason for unloading in this blog is because I have a run to report. Yay, well done me. 

It was bitterly cold, but I had the 'look at me running' headband on, and gloves. And it wasn't too icy. And I waited for the school run to be over. But, significantly, there was a distinct lack of reluctance to get out there. Is that a result of the Slimpod process I've begun? It involves a large element of CBT, attributing positive thoughts to the process, and so, if that's true, then I am very happy. On the other hand, I haven't lost a gram since I began listening to the audio tracks 8 days ago...That might be on me, right? 

Anyhoo; stats


6m 55s per km

Whoop - very happy with all that. I think I should be able to manage another 640m to make it a round 5k. 

Cartoon: 'I'm interested in the couch to 5k programme. Can I see your range of couches?'

Bit of a favourite. 

14 Jan 2023

Bloody Hell, Kevin

 reference for no good reason to 'Uncanny' on BBC Sounds

So I forgot to start the mapmyrun thing before I set off so I can convincingly lie about how far I ran before setting it. But in truth, it wasn't as far as last time... 

2.74 km

6m 57" per km

At least I got out there. And it was horrible. I had no energy to speak of and those gentle slopes I like to call hills just about broke me.

But (apart from the bit where I had to walk to start the app) I ran all the way. Yay. 

It's been extraordinarily wet recently and the only reason I didn't come back covered in mud was that the puddles were ankle-deep and washed it all off... 

But it's nice to have done it.

I'm getting the operation to slightly fix my ruined toe on 17th March and I feel I need to lose weight and get fit for that so that it won't be too awful to get back in shape after a couple of weeks of raised foot loafing around. So I have about 9 weeks to lose 10lbs and regularly run 5km

A better person than I could achieve that I'm sure. 

6 Jan 2023

Happy New Year!

First one of 2023 and all that. I need to get a bit fitter because there is a chance I'll get an operation on my dodgy right toe soonish and that will mean an elevated foot for a couple of weeks. But after that I should be back on the road. 

My toe did hurt today for the first time in a while. On the bottom rather than where the bone spurs are - but I think that's to do with my gait more than anything else. I was being very mindful of how I was moving: elbows tucked in, core engaged, arches flexing. And yet, my hamstrings are aching (I did stretch before I left) and I expect my calves will be painful tomorrow. But I did a run, with the full intention of doing more. 


7m 5" per km