23 Apr 2023

couch to 5K week #2 runs 4-6

 Run #4

Still doing it! The prompt of 'having' to do a run makes it easier to do. Having the option to wait until I feel like it just means I never 'have' to get out there. 

So, well done me. 

Niggles: a little on the left Achilles but nothing significant. Left hamstring's a bit hurty. Also left hip. There is a theme here: the limb with the severely compromised foot is doing OK. 

The schedule is 90-second runs and 2-minute walks 5 times with 5-minute walks at each end. Do run a little further but I doubt that will damage me. Other than the Achilles, hips etc

Run #5

Again, it's most definitely the imperative of getting this done which gets me out the door. Despite the niggles. A newish one this morning - after the end of the final 90-second run my left calf gave a little dull ache. Hmm. So I did the 5-minute warm-down walk and jogged a little bit more and it was fine. Fingers crossed for that one. My left hip is now aching but everything else is OK.

I am so unfit though - I know I used to actually run the 4+ km every so often - but then I wouldn't do it for weeks. I guess the point of the c25k is that you build up fitness along with strength? I hope so. It can't make me any worse. 

Run #6

I went against my own advice this morning and did the run. My hip is hurting (lateral hip pain, I've been googling) but doesn't seem to hurt while running. There is a tender area at the top of my hip which hurts when I press it. So I don't press it. I may go to the physio again and see what he says. Or my lovely osteopath. 

But I actually wanted to do it. The motivation following the action of committing to the plan? I don't know what it is or how long it's going to last but perhaps, just perhaps, in another 7 weeks I will have completed it and have run the full 5k. Or 30 mins as they call it. That would be a fast 5k for me... 

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