30 Apr 2023

Couch to 5k week #3: runs 7 - 9

 run 7

It was ok. My Achilles seems to be holding up and my hip is not worse, so that's all good. There is another issue which is not for this page. 

Longer runs now - 3 minutes! Twice! It feels a little pathetic considering I probably could run for far longer, but I'm sticking with the programme as it'll help me ease back into it with less chance of overdoing it, getting injured and stopping for weeks until I'm confident it won't happen again. So sensible!

Not long now until blossom dump 2023

run 8

Nothing special. No drama.

Still over-running by about 1.5k I think. But I can't reduce the distance to fit in with the app - so I'm guessing as the weeks go on I will get to the end at the same time as the app. Oo - exciting!

There is a new challenge: I have a painter coming to do the outside of the house and he'll start about 9am - so I have to be done and showered by then. No biggie. 

run 9

I was up, out, run showered and dressed for 9am. Well done me, right?

re: blossom dump: I don't think it's a patch on last year's.

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