7 May 2023

Couch to 5k week #4: runs 10 - 12

 Run 10

And I got back with time to spare. There were 16 mins of running this week which has made a big difference. And it felt OK. According to the Apple health thing, it was 3.9kms but I don't think that's right as the Mapmyrun one seems to say it's well over 4. So I guess next time (Tuesday) I will set the Mapmyrun one and see just how far. 

Rather excitingly I went the opposite way round (this is how lame my life has got, that shaking things up a bit means going clockwise...) which meant that I had the first 'long' run (5 mins, I'll have you know) going slightly uphill - and it showed just how unfit I've got - and also how good it is the have the motivation of being controlled by the app. 

You are what you eat: recently I've been eating crap - lots of ultra-processed food which I convince myself is balanced out by my healthy salad lunches. Trouble is, everything counts - and I'm feeling quite seedy on it. That and the wine and I have no doubts about why it is I'm overweight, depressed and unmotivated. 

run 11

It was fine. No drama. I've proved to myself I can be run, showered and ready for the day ahead by 9am. Then I remember back in the 1/2 marathon days I would get up, run 7+ miles and be at work for 930. So my aspirations have been rather curbed. 

But I did Mapmyrun this morning and... 

3.84 km (I've been fooling myself thinking it was further...)

7m 45s per km (a lot of walking)

But - I'm nearly 1/2 way through and those stats can only get better.

So well done me for sticking with it and well done the C25K app.

run 12


no drama 

it is a lovely morning and I've decided I don't much like the music mixes I've been listening to but then I don't know what I would like to listen to either. Usually this time of day it's Radio 4 but it's not very motivating...

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