22 May 2023

couch to 5K: week #6 runs 16 - 17 -18

 Run 16

I don't feel any fitter. Perhaps if I get some new running kit I will feel better. Ha ha.

But - 5 + 8 + 5-minute runs which is OK, right? Or am I kidding myself about this? Will I ever really respect myself for this? Surely I need to aim higher? 

Listening to 'Tagged', a podcast. It's the final episode but I feel like there should be more to come - there is no denouement. Perhaps the point is the police are forever playing catch-up with the Evie character and will never actually find her? 

My right foot is feeling stiff. I guess it's because I can't use the big toe joint and the effort is going through the rest of my foot and it's not up to it. But I'm having a follow-up consultation on Wednesday, with an x-ray. Yay!

Update on 'Tagged' - the Evie character was definitely one step ahead...

Runs 16 & 18

Well - I've just done 25 mins on run 18 which I frankly struggled with. I am unfit (have I mentioned this before?) plus I don't have the leg strength I used to have when I regularly did weights at the gym. But circumstances change and I abandoned all that and consequently have become weak and overweight. I'm such a catch. 

But, for the last minute, I did run quite a lot faster (on the suggestion of Laura in my ears) and it felt good. OK, it was on the end bit where it's slightly downhill, but still.

So I've completed week 6 - 3 more to go. The next run is another 25 mins but that is OK. I can do this. 

The big question is - once I've done the whole 9 weeks - will I stick with the running?

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