16 Apr 2023

Couch to 5K week #1 runs 1-3

 I'm doing it!

Well, I've started doing it.

Backtrack: the operation was on 17 March and it went really well. I'd hoped I could have spent a few days on the sofa with codeine and Netflix but there wasn't enough pain. This is a good thing of course: I simply wanted more drama!

I've been walking to get it all working again and mostly that's been ok other than a bit of an ache from the actual arthritic joint. The operation seems to have worked. Fingers crossed the ache will ease over the next few weeks. 

week 1: run 1

But the run! I've been thinking about it for a while - getting back into running without overdoing it has been the issue. So the C25K seems to be a good idea. It really does start off gently - a 5-minute walk? I was glad there were only a few people around to notice me looking like I was failing to run. But everyone's heard of C25K so that was my excuse as if I needed one... I did judge the distance a bit wrong and ended up having to jog another 10 mins to get home - but it was downhill which seems to be an ok thing - I expect I'll do the same route in the coming weeks.

The actual running was a very gentle jog. Very gentle. It probably wouldn't have registered on the Mapmyrun app. But that's OK. My left Achilles was a tiny bit achy but my right foot never got any worse than the ache from walking. So that's all good.

I have thought that perhaps I need more support in my heels to compensate for the lack of bend in my foot? Perhaps one to think about if I get into this C25K a bit more.

So I am now committed to doing this 3 times a week for the next 9 weeks and I will be back to my gazelle-like best. Or I could skip a week and get there sooner. Or I could take my time and actually get there without any stupid injuries: walk before you run.

Distance according to the health app which comes with the phone: 3.9 km

week 1: run 2

Blimey. Well, if I hadn't committed to doing this thing I would not have gone for a run. In the afternoon, so help me. Just unheard of. I have to diminish it in my head so that it's just something I squeeze into the day - no biggie. I know I tend to over-dramatise running a bit - for heaven's sake I write a blog after every run, what's wrong with me. So getting a 30-minute run into perspective can only be a good thing. 

I don't trust the iPhone app distance cos I think I went pretty much the same way today and it was 4.26 km. The kicker is that I didn't start the C25K app properly and so I walked for a bit, wondered when the run was coming up and realised it hadn't begun measuring. I am an idiot. So I started it and ran until the end of the first run. So again I did more than I was supposed to but that can only be a good thing.

So here I am, buzzing with enthusiasm because I haven't given up already. Only 25 runs to go and I will be doing 5ks all over the place.

week 1: run 3

Well, I've discovered what the bell was - not in fact a cyclist coming up behind me, but the actual halfway point of the run. Yay! That's good for when I'm running along a towpath and don't know when to turn around. Well done me.

It was OK this morning: a beautiful sunny day which always helps. I have an old ache in my left hamstring and a new one in my right groin area. But I think that will all run off over the coming weeks. After all there is a lot of rest and recovery built in which is probably good for my foot as well. Next week will be a bit more running so perhaps the route I do (4.2km this time) will be covered in the duration of the app rather than me having to run a bit further to get home.

So why is this working? I guess it's because I have to do it now; I'm committed. It was unheard of to go 3 times a week and yet here I am. And I think I will keep going with it. What happens at the end of the 9 weeks is another matter. Hopefully by then I will be an elite runner addicted to the highs. That would be nice... 

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