3 Aug 2023

Well done me

I surprised myself this morning: there I was noodling away on the sofa wondering how accurate the rain forecast was going to be (it should have been raining then but wasn't) when I realised I have a thing to do at 10am and if I didn't get going right there and then, I wasn't going to go. Of course I have not gone for a run many, many times but not this time. So off I went.

Well done me, indeed. 

Slightly achy Achilles but that seemed to ease along the way. Just the usual hip and top of hamstrings things. 

4.07 km running - don't count the warm-up walk

6m 50s per km which is respectable for me.

So if I can find another km out there I will soon be at my target. Yay. 

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