15 Jul 2023

The new normal?

So - my legs felt heavy this morning. Probably because I am overweight and they carry that extra burden... But I'd committed (somehow - there are no consequences or rewards for doing this) (Oh, hang on - isn't it all about rewards and consequences?) to going out this morning. My thinking was (I overthink it, it's why running's a rare occurrence. Note that during the c25k there was no thinking involved and I just went out and did it. Lesson) that the weather is about to turn unusually stormy later this morning and I'd cancelled a Body Pump class so I had to do something. 

It was mainly ok - a bit out of breath like I should be and there was the heavy legs thing going on but mainly OK. Until I think about my Achilles: it was a little bit hurty all the way round, but it didn't get (much) worse. It's better when I concentrate on my knees rather than my feet. I'm trying to remember the Malcolm Balk session when I'm sure he said something about visualising your knees moving in a circle rather than your feet hitting the ground... It's all a bit vague now - probably about 15 years ago. Just after the 1/2 marathon (2006) but it did help a bit. Calfs are fine. 

This new normal thing - 5 minute warm-up walk, do the run trying not to hurt my Achilles, then icing for 10 mins while I do this. 


6m 39s per km - wait, that's insane. I was running slowly. I do not think that's right but I didn't do anything different. I mean - yay! 

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