3 Jul 2023

mostly OK, which feels like a win

win #1    I went for a run 

win #2    I have just got in and it's just started tanking down

win #3    my Achilles doesn't hurt much more than it did before

win #4    my calf muscles are fine

So I'm being Ms Sensible and having 10 mins of ice on my left leg, not that it's injured, just to give it a treat for getting me out there for 30 mins

4.14km, 7min 10 per km

Basically a brisk walk then, but that's not the point is it. I did the 5 min walk and ran very slowly. Not too out of breath which was nice and I was very aware of how my leg was feeling. Perhaps over-thinking it? Well, whatever I am back without feeling depressed or angry about how my body lets me down. 

I'm getting old, I'm not going to beat myself up about not being able to run like I could when I did the 1/2 marathon: perhaps if I'd kept up with running then I'd be an impressively fit ultra runner. I might not have had stress fractures. Etc. 

There is no point in dwelling on such things.

I went for a run and came back relatively uninjured. 


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