25 Jun 2023

Definitely voodoo

Full disclosure: I did have a tiny niggle in my Achilles this morning, but it's been getting better all week and surely a week is long enough to get over these things? 

So I sensibly did the 5-minute walk and it felt as ok as my poor feet ever get these days. And initially the run was fine. I've definitely seen an improvement in my fitness which is most gratifying. So I trundled along, being mindful of the niggle which remained in my Achilles rather than my calf muscle, so all's well, right? But it was getting tighter and I did walk a couple of times just in case. It didn't really kick off until I got back onto Bishop Road, only 1/2k or so from home so I walked back from there.

And now I'm icing my leg. The muscle had a kind of knot in it so hopefully the ice thing will ease that. Plus paracetamol. I'm not squeamish about anti-inflammatories.

During the C25K I didn't have the amount of pain I'm having now - or did I just run through it? There were no injuries like the muscle/Achilles thing I've got going on now.

So do I live with it, gingerly running once a week or so and hoping that it doesn't kick off again? Do I get some shoes with a bit of a heel lift? Do I go to the running physio and get some advice? All of the above? 

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