6 Jun 2023

Couch to 5k: week #8 runs 22 - 23 - 24

 run 22

Well - another step up: today's run was 28 minutes. 

And it was fine. I mean, really, it was fine. I added a little extra distance to get nearer the full 5k and according to Mapmyrun it was 4.57km but I didn't start it at the right point so it was possibly shorter than that. But getting closer. Incidentally, it's telling me my average speed was 7m 1s per km which included some walking so I'm OK with that. 

So, here I am.

I think what helps is not drinking and eating far too much before going for a run. Who knew? 

Run 23

So - I did it again, as in, I forgot to start the app so I walked for 5+ mins, realised my horrible mistake and began the 5-minute warm-up walk after 5 mins or so. So I basically ran for 33 mins, adding on some extra distance. Well done me, right? 

And it was OK. I feel like I've turned a corner and got just a little bit fitter. I could be fooling myself of course but I didn't feel particularly out of breath and my hurty bits didn't hurt so much. 

Mapmyrun says 5.59 km but that included the walk at the start but I will count this as a 5k run. Yay!

For the next one - Sunday probably - I will do the mapmyrun properly and see where I get to. But, excitingly, I'm planning to do that one on the downs. I have a weird short shift on Sunday morning and can then cycle up the endless hill (so I won't include the warmup) and see how far I get. I used to love running up there. Why did I stop? One of the main reasons, even though it sounds utterly trivial, is that I have to go through a stupid procedure to get out of the house on my bike. It's a sorry tale of missing locks and walks through the house. 

But - yay - well done me. 

This is despite this list of current injuries to my poor feet:

1. the toe operation. It's healed and is doing what it was supposed to, as in eliminating the stabbing pain in the joint

2. the arthritis remaining in the joint: mostly it's fine but it causes pain elsewhere

3. I dropped scaffolding on my 2nd toe yesterday and gouged out a chunk near my nail - it's still a bit weepy. Lovely

4. new sandals - the blisters have more or less healed 

5. Barge injury - the hole in my left heel is closing but it's still painful to put weight through

Feet are so important: I don't feel I can walk with any grace or elegance at the mo. I know I will never wear heels again. Luckily I like a chunky sole...  

Fastest split was 6m 41s per km.

Run 24: Probably OK - don't remember it. But I know I felt good afterwards.

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