Yesterday I walked a lot - 13.4 km in fact which is a good thing of course. But it really made my stupid toe ache. So this morning when I had my run all planned out, I really wasn't sure about going. But I said if it didn't calm down a bit I would cut it short rather than actually injure it more than nature has done already.
But it got better (or no worse anyway) and I did the whole thing, including the muddy cut-through leading to a climb. So well done me.
4.69 km (edging closer to the magical 5k...)
7m 07 per km - which I blame partly on the deliberately slow start plus faffing around while trying to get the next episode of the podcast running. It's a shortcoming of Sounds that if you start a series it seems to run the order backwards. There will be a way around it, but not when you're striding majestically across Horfield common...
So, that's a win
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