25 Jan 2023

Less Bouncy

When I got my Asics shoes (June 2016) they felt very bouncy indeed. I wore them today and they are definitely flat. Last time out my semi-off-road ones were making my feet ache on impact so I wondered if the others would be better, and they were. But they were slippy on the off-road bits. Who'd have thought? So, do I get new regular ones?

Area of concern this time: it's my lungs, they don't give me enough oxygen. So - I'm unfit? Got to be. My actual body was fine - nothing hurting too much (achy calfs, nothing too bad) but my throat felt constricted which I guess is the definition of not getting enough air which is about being unfit. So I have to keep pushing. I kept telling myself how much I was enjoying the experience. Once I got to the highest point it felt a lot better.

Not the best post over, but it's a habit and I like reading back over the years 

4.44km (edging closer to the 5k...)

6m 41s per km and that is the fastest I have been for a long time (17 May last year in fact) 

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