12 Dec 2011

The Shame...

I just can't seem to get myself out there any more. Something to do no doubt with this perishingly cold, dark time of year, but surely I would feel better for having a dawdle round the downs???

5 Dec 2011

wishful thinking...

I so wish I could be blogging about my latest run, about how I've missed sharing my running experiences for the last few weeks.
But the truth is, I haven't been running since the last blog which is over 2 weeks ago. And it's turning chilly now and I can't seem to find the wherewithall to haul myself out there. (if wherewithall's what I need, perhaps I'm more in need of  'gumption' . Or 'a backbone')
Anyway- Christmas is coming which means all exercise goes out the window (rather than the front door ha ha ha ha ha ha ha) and I will survive on promises of 'getting into shape' in the new year. Which lets me off the hook as far as eating like a gutbucket for the next month is concerned. And early next year I will berate myself for having to go through the hell of dieting to lose the pounds I've put on between now and then rather than upping the exercise NOW and heading into Christmas/new year feeling good and not dreading the jan/feb starvation/denial...
Or is that just me.

20 Nov 2011


I know it's been ages since I last ran - and I did have a couple of gin and tonics last night - but my god I suffered this morning. I amazed myself by going for the full run but by the last couple of miles I was knackered. This new running style is OK but I think I'm still getting used to it. And my calves/calfs were aching again. But I have to hold onto the fact that running is better for me than not running. So I should do more of it!

8 Nov 2011

Killer calves. Calfs?

My lower legs are still killing me to the extent that it's hard to stand up without looking like an ancient.
I know the cure for this is to do more of it and keep doing it until it stops hurting - but that kind of goes against the grain for someone only interested in fast results.

6 Nov 2011

Lost runs

I have run since the last post - the one about the art of running - and I thought I'd blogged them, but apparantly not.

So, the week after, I did a run with my new-found skills and it's true - you can run with less effort which is nice. But it's a bit slower. And the nike+ will have to be re-calibrated as I think my stride length is a lot less.
So, it makes my feet ache and my calves tired cos this is where all the bounce is coming from. It make sense though. And my left hip didn't hurt anything like as much. Result...

And today's run - which was in lovely sunshine over the downs and across the bridge - was fine. I thought I might have forgotten how to do this technique - and there were times I felt I was losing it, but remembering to keep all the action under your body (rather than striding out ahead) seems to work. And I think I was using my glutes a bit better as well.
So I shall just wait for the aching lower legs to begin, tomorrow morning I imagine - just as I get on my bike to cycle to the gym...

So at least I've broken my duck of not running for 3 weeks which is the longest I've left it for quite a white. Whether I will go for evening runs this week or not remains to be seen. Frankly going out into the cold of a November evening is not my idea of fun. But think of all the mince pies which I can snaffle with no regret...


*thinks about mince pies*

9 Oct 2011

tippy toes

Not a blog about a run as such - more about running.
I did the 'art of running' workshop with Malcolm Balk


and it's really good.
I'm hoping that by following this technique I'll stop getting the aches and pains and will be happier to run more often.
You feel very light doing this - the idea is to put in far less effort than you normally would. Having my running style videoed and analysed is a little disconcerting but it was amazing how much of a difference it made just after a couple of hours of practice. 

So all I have to do now is to put it into practice - which might involve running without the ipod for a bit to concentrate. not to very happy about that!

30 Sept 2011

Hottest 30th Sept since 1908

It was baking hot today - and tomorrow might be the hottest October day on record. It's very weird - being very warm, windows open and in the pitch dark at 8 o clock.
So I had a choice - to go for a run tonight and have a couple of ice-cold beers - or have a couple of ice-cold beers this evening and then have to get up about 7am and run in the morning. Very glad this one is over
And I've used the nike+ again - I will have to check if it's calibrated properly...
stats - just in case they're accurate -
67mins 15 secs
7.37 miles
9 mins 7secs per mile
695 calories

am very pleased if it is accurate cos it's a lot faster than I've been running recently.

(Perhaps I will be disappointed if I do check it out and it's all calibrated wrong... )

have checked the distance on map my run and it turns out I ran....
7.36 miles
Result!!! In both senses - 1. that I calibrated the thing correctly and 2. I am running faster than I ever dreamed possible.
Well, it's nice to think I'm not as decrepit as I think...

25 Sept 2011


Just got in from my Sunday morning run-fest and it's pouring down. For once I missed it - hooray.
And I actually felt OK on the run (the usual 11km thingy) except for:
1. left hip, well, back of hip and a bit higher up than hip - it took a nasty turn at one point.
2. Left outside of knee where I think there is a tendon or something
3. Left calf - very tight. I think it's cos I'm trying to run on my toes a bit more to save my knees. Unforseen consequences...
4. right outside of knee pretty much the same as no. 2

but all in all satisfactory.

There is still an outside chance of doing the stroud 1/2 marathon - I know I will have to run twice as far as today pretty much but I think I'm fit enough.Whether the joints and tendons etc would hold out for another 6 miles is another matter. I will have to up the mileage during the week - but there are 5 weeks I think until it starts.


not sure about this

21 Sept 2011


Don't like this evening running - I seem to have no energy to begin with. And my knees ache.
Weirdly towards the end if I pushed myself a bit harder, it seemed I did have the energy after all. Odd.

15 Sept 2011


The nike + thing - I had to get a new one and I guess it was wishful thinking that I wouldn't have to calibrate it. How wrong I was. According to the thing I'm running just over 7 minute miles. It's cobblers. What's really irritating though is that the blurb says that it's pretty accurate for most people. So I'm obviously some kind of freak.
I even splurged and a really good neoprene sock thingy for it.
But at least I went on another midweek run. And what a struggle it was... Until about 3 miles in I had no energy at all and had to walk for 30 seconds and it was very hard to get going again. But I did. Hurrah for me

13 Sept 2011

weekday running

OK this is it - I went for a run on a Monday evening after work and it wasn't too bad. OK it wasn't brilliant but it was OK.
And there is a chance, I think, that I could possiby think about maybe going for the Stroud 1/2 marathon.
Just a thought

11 Sept 2011


There's a 1/2 marathon in Stroud next month. I could do it - do a lot more running between now and then and lose a load of weight to boot.
It's tempting.
Dropping people off for the Bristol half this morning I did feel a bit left out. I know I did a fairly long run yesterday - could I manage another 5 miles on top of that? I have 6 weeks to get up to speed.
It's doable...
Is there any reason why I shouldn't?
I can think of 100s frankly, but if I am serious about keeping up with the running and also with trying to shift a bit of flab before another birthday drags around, then it seems (at the moment, full of cake) like a good idea...

10 Sept 2011

13... km

Well that was a long run.
Also it's nearly 2 weeks since I last ran it seems like it was a big deal.
Boyf dropped me off near the water tower and I did a lap of the downs, up to the camera obscura which always puts a bit of energy my way and then over the suspension brudge (very sorry the Brunel gorilla has gone...) and then back the usual way.
At times I thought I was going to die through lack of energy and then at others I was whizzing along thinking I would have been happy to do the 1/2 marathon again.
But it's tomorrow and now I'm back home in a puddle of sweat and achyness I think I'm wise not to do and do it. Not that I was planning to or anything.

28 Aug 2011

an ok run

Do you ever get those dreams where you're running as fast as you can, but in fact you're barely moving? It's like the 'running through treacle' idea where no matter how much effort you put in there, you still can't move.
I felt a bit like that this morning - I think it's cos I have the strength from going to the gym, but no energy. And I see my legs moving like they should do, but I'm still hardly moving.
Hey ho.

My biggest concern is tinnitus. After a run it's usually louder and sometimes feel like there is pressure inside my head. Today it was the wort it's ever been. I'm wearing in-ear buds to listen to the radio as I run, so I wonder if there is a connection there. Should I get some phones that sit outside the ear?  Will there ever be a cure for it? It's depressing and frustrating and it's diving me nuts.

21 Aug 2011

New shoes

They are good.
Not in the sense that I can now run like a gazelle and never go red in the face.

But they don't rub and my knees didn't explode.

And they have dark grey laces which look quite cool :)

17 Aug 2011

oo get me!

I have new running shoes.
Mizuno nirvanas
I'm wearing them in the house.
I will wear them outside, and possibly run in them soon.
Hope they're OK - there is always that feeling with new (really rather pricey) running shoes that you're going to get a mile down the road and you'll be blistered and have exploding shin splints (or whatever shin splints do, I'm not sure on that one)
Will keep you posted.

14 Aug 2011

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

I nearly died this morning - I know part of the problem was a little too much dry white the night before, I accept that, but it really hurt... Left hip aching, right foot just being, well, flat I guess. Plus bruised toes.
I think I might need new trainers as I felt extremely un-bouncy in those. Not sure if that's the problem though. Although at the back of my mind I think I got an email from moti to tell me it was so long since I bought the things I should think about changing them. Well they would say that wouldn't they. But it might have been about a year ago so perhaps they were onto something. Hey - shopping for shoes - ugly, practical shoes....

stats: well, bit of a problem there...
0.34 miles, 4 min 53 seconds
Thing is, the thing fell off my shoe and I didn't notice it, so now I don't have a nike+ thing any more. I feel quite sad about that...

The other amazing thing about today's run (I lead a very dull life...) is I went The Wrong Way Round - as in going up Ashley Hill first, then Glos Rd, then down past Tescoe and along to the water tower and back through Henleaze and Bishopston. It made it a fraction more interesting, but it felt a lot harder - perhaps there's more uphill going that way round - I know it has to be the same amount but the severity of the hills might just mean it feels worse this way round.
Anyway, it's done and I need to keep going at least 3 times a week for it to do me any lasting good, don't I....

7 Aug 2011

running in the rain

Torrential at times - and then the sun came out and it all went gin-clear and sparkly again. British summer for you...

Here are some stats which I find interesting but doubt if they're very riveting for anyone else
1h 1m 42s
6.28 miles
9m 49s /mile
592 calories

It was hard work - despite not having any wine last night and having a breakfast an hour before setting off - but still it took a couple of miles to get going properly. Perhaps that's not unusual, perhaps it's evidence of getting old. Having said that, there was less pain than usual: feet and knees were OK, the only twinge was coming from my left lower back, but I know that works better when I've stretched properly (if only my yoga teacher wasn't on holiday for the next few weeks...)
Again when I'd gone up to the observatory and done that intense hill, it seemed to unlock some energy reserves - is this how bodies work?
I did a different route - driving up to the downs then doing a circuit taking in the camera obscura and then across the bridge which was really nice - I had ambitious plans to go into Ashton Court but I think I did the right thing not to go that far. I'm sure I would have made it though - perhaps if I was in proper training, for a 1/2 marathon say, then I would have pushed myself, but just going to lose a few lbs then meh, it's probably better to do more shorter runs during the week rather than concentrate on the marathon at the weekend. Sort of...

2 Aug 2011

tuesday morning

I missed running on Sunday cos I was working in Weymouth and despite the lure of running along a lovely sandy beach first thing in the morning, I really couldn't be arsed. Well, I did have to start work at 9am so blah excuses

So I took today off and went for a run at about 11am which is an odd time for me but it was ok. Felt lacking in energy but I guess there's nothing new there, being not very fit. But it was good to run a different route - I dropped the car off in Clifton and ran up Pembroke rd and across the downs from there. Don't know about a change being as good as a rest though..
oh - forgot major running news - orange ipod 'it's alive' has died - the centre button stopped working.
So I went down to the apple store and they told me it'd be £70 to mend (as in get another one exactly the same and they didn't have any in stock) so I said I'd treat myself to one of the new nanos, with the touchscreen. I think I made a mistake getting the £50 cheaper 8GB one, rather than the 16GB but hey ho, it just means I shall have to manage it a bit better.
But as a thing, it's great - it runs the nike+ thing and I can listen to the radio at the same time - good times.

anyway, stats:
6.4 miles,  1hour 2mins 43s, 9m 46/mile (very slow) 604 calories
(this assumes I don't have to recalibrate the thing for the new ipod, but I would guess not)

So that's it. I was a very sweaty betty when I got back cos it's quite warm and I am a sweaty betty these days. Not a good look.

24 Jul 2011


Well, this morning's run was tough. Mostly cos of the wine last night - note to self, although alcohol has many calories they don't count as carbo-loading. I felt terrible, really slow and sluggish. Kept getting over taken by other runners (no one older or fatter than me though)
And the motivation thing is - to lose weight and fight ageing. Nothing too trivial then.

I did run last Sunday as well but I think it was a lot better...

16 Jul 2011

Och Aye x 3

Been running on Bute. Ascog, near Rothsay, to be precise.
It was bute-iful (no-one's ever made that joke before) The weather was perfect - despite packing for rain and cold it was shorts and tees all week.
The route was from our landmark trust place down to the main road then along the sea shore in either direction. There weren't many roads.
First run I went right towards Mount Stuart (a fantastic castly, gardeny place) which was OK but the pavement ran out and there was a lot of running along the edge of the road with cars coming at you round blind corners. Didn't do that one twice.
Then I did 2 runs the other way into Rothsay (as far as the small co-op to be precise) then running back - about 5.4 miles so not too shabby.
It's brilliant running alongside the sea - the air is just so clean and fresh and there's scenery to look at - just perfect really.
I'm sure it would be a different matter in the winter when you're fighting a gale and hail, but for that one week it was as near perfect as you can get...

3 Jul 2011

weighty bum

When I run, my bum feels really heavy. I guess it's because it's quite large. I know if I lose a bit of weight some will eventually go from my arse (tbh I mean haunches. Awful, awful word but descriptive and accurate)  But in the meantime I will continue to run with a slab of flab bringing up my rear.
Mmm, nice mental picture...

But the run was fine. Little bit too much dry white last night for it to feel comfy, and the weather was too hot so I had to keep crossing the road to get into the shade.
But it's done - 70 mins so probably 7 miles. And it was ok. There was a lot of mental argument going on - I really wanted to walk for a while but I just had a stern word with myself and got over it. My feet were a bit achy towards the end which wasn't very pleasant but I don't think there's an easy way around that - other than perhaps to run quite a bit more often.
Then perhaps I will achieve the lightweight bum I crave...

26 Jun 2011


Looks like summer decided to show its face this morning - it was very warm. Warm enough for a 2-hour red face.
Run was ok - did about 75 mins and was OK til the last bit when I ran out of energy - I guess one sugar-free red bull substitute was never going to get me round 7 miles or so...
Also my left hip didn't hurt too much - I've done a few stretches and they seemed to have worked. I'm just going to have to continue. Simples.

21 Jun 2011

evening run

OK, cos I missed the run on Sunday I decided to go this evening for a change. Don't like running in the evening for some reason - and the reason is, cos I'm not so good in the evenings. I find it far harder work both physically and mentally.

But hey ho - I went the full 10k+ route and it really really hurt. My left hip and knee were really painful and towards the end my left hip was aching too. But as soon as I stop, it goes away. I know I should be doing the stretches - and if I'm going to go for the 1/2 marathon again I'm going to have to do them. Bah humbug.

I should just be grateful that at my enormous age I can still drag myself round a 10k course...

20 Jun 2011

8 days without a run...

Can't say I really miss it. Is that wrong?

I had a migrainey thing yesterday (brought on by Pirates of the Carribean - I think it was the 3d aspect of it rather than an overdose of Mr Depp...) so I stayed in bed til 3pm (apart from the odd rush to the lav for vomming - lush) and decided a run wasn't the best plan...

But now I have the annual dilemma of whether I should enter the 1/2 marathon. It's 12 weeks til the event which is more than long enough to get into shape for it - but can I get into mental shape for it and not chicken out again? I know it's a great motivation for upping the running and losing weight (10 lbs between now and then would be good...) so what's not to like?

Just do it???

16 Jun 2011

Bad run

Was dropped off at the water tower.

Then the radio thingy for the ipod wasn't working - it would only play absolute radio and bfpo that sort of thing.

And even though it was a lovely day, I was unhappy and kept stopping to question what the hell I was doing.

So I ran home as hard and fast as I could just to get it over with.

Not a happy experience frankly.

6 Jun 2011

Bit of a first for me...

Went for an hour's run - IN THE RAIN.

It was quite vile - but the rain was set in for the day so it was a no-brainer really. (Well, I could have just not gone of course) and actually once you get out there and have got wet, it kind of doesn't get any worse. I had slight misgivings about running in a wet tee-shirt of course but more worried about my wobbly belly than boobie delights...

And today (Monday) I have a hurty knee. I hope it's not the old IT band problem coming back to haunt me although I can't see what else it might be. I will have to knuckle down and get doing those awful stretches which really hurt but seem to go right to the problem.

29 May 2011

Run of the mill run

Well it was the 10km+ route, I felt a bit tired but nothing too bad. Weather was OK. Listened to the radio - Broadcasting House was interesting as usual. And then a little of the Archers.

So, all in all pretty pedestrian.

I lost my headband which is a bit annoying but frankly I looked terrible in it, don't know what I was thinking. I have hair and fringe issues, never quite sure what's the best look. But then when there is a saggy middle-aged face to flatter, there are very few options. A balaclava maybe...

But at least I went for a run. I had a shock on the bathroom scales this morning which is making me more determined to up the mileage a little. And eat less. Etc.

16 May 2011

the stats, Igor, the stats

Time: 53' 16"
PB I'll have you know. Again.

Overall placing (of 9000 runners): 3593rd (sadly the podium didn't extend beyond the first 3 places otherwise I'd have been up there...)

I'm quite pleased with myself tbh - when finishing in the middle of 1000s of others (and being overtaken by a couple of blokes literally sprinting to the line) it's easy to forget the amount of effort I put into getting there.
Pat on back.

15 May 2011


Hurray!!! I've done a PB in the 10k!!!
Not entirely sure what the actual timing will be but I crossed the line at 53 25 ish and that was after crossing the startline a few seconds after the start so I guess it's about that long.
It felt OK mostly. It's pretty flat so there's no breathlessness issues in the 1st 100m and the usual aches and pains didn't seem to materialise much either.
The hardest bit was km7 and 8 which was off the bottom of the portway and over the cumberland basin (a longer hill than you're expecting) and then the drag down past Spike Island to the Louisiana. It seems to go on and on and there is a very slight uphill slope but by then even a slight slope seems like a massive insult.
I was passing people there and was getting my breath back from the hill over the cumberland basin and it was all good.
Soooo good to get into the centre and towards the finish though... I'd missed the 9km marker but I knew exactly where the finish was and it was getting closer with every step and when I saw the clock I was delighted! I felt I'd pushed reasonably hard all the way round and so it was great to see there was a decent outcome. I guess it was cos there weren't any massive hills like there have been on the past couple of runs - plus the crowd helps (even thought it was quite sparse in places...)

so then began the job of finding boyf. We'd got separated before the start and it's a nightmare trying to find anyone in that sort of a crowd. but we got back together at the car and then off for a slap up shower and a feast at the cowshed.
So why is it that I've done that distance many times before but doing it with 9,000 other people makes it so much more knackering?

12 May 2011

all in the mind #2

Suddenly 10k seems like a very long way.

I know I've run far further even quite recently - but once there is a label on the run it seems like that is the target which makes it the hardest part of the run. Does this make any sense?
I think what I mean is I can go for a long run and be surprised at the distance when I get back. When it's a measured distance, that is the peak point of the run, the point where you have used up all your energy and you can then stop.
Plus the fact it's done in front of other people makes it more of a challenge, it makes it an event, something which can be failed. If it wasn't an event there would be ne shame in cutting a corner and going home early.


Am less optimistic about Sunday now. But that way lies ruin: I must maintain a slightly manic yet realistic positivity.

And is will all be over by 11am on Sunday. And we've already booked a Sunday lunch somewhere excellent. :)

8 May 2011

it's all in the mind

Well, some of it is foot and leg related obviously, but it's amazing how much your head is in control.
For instance, when my lovely ipod told me I'd done 10k this morning, it seemed like the hardest thing in the world to keep going let alone to keep the energy going.

But I did. What a trouper, etc.
statto - the stats:

1 hour 4 mins 39secs
6.94 miles
9'18" per mile
644 cals

Things to remember for next Sunday
the first 3 km or so are hard work - feet hurt and so on. After that the left hip begins tightening up but feet are getting better.
after that it's mind over matter.
I have to keep up the pace if I'm going to get under the hour. And that's hard work.

I've realised this morning that if I feel I'm pushing quite hard then I will equal what I did in the last 10 when I was feeling rough. But also thinner and younger. It's just the ravages of age. Perhaps I could get a lot quicker but I would have to lose about 15lbs and do a lot more training. And I don't want to do that. Perhaps I'm just not motivated enough.

Last week's run stats were:

bah - they're not kept. Today's lesson - if you want to keep your stats you have to download them otherwise the next one will overwrite the previous one...

3 May 2011

Virtuous holiday running

I primed the nike+ to do a 10k run rather than just a basic workout and set off along the treacherous road out of our holiday let in Kingsbridge. It's one of those roads where there's no footpath and the traffic's pretty racy. In one direction there's a sign to pedestrians to go through the cemetery rather than risk the side of the road. Pretty sobering when they're turning away potential customers in the interest of safety...

So, anyway, had a jog around the town, found a leisure centre then failed to get very far around the estuary. Too many private roads. Turned back and found myself running up a hill steep enough to remind me of the cheese-rolling one in Gloucestershire - I had to walk the last bit. But surprisingly (well, actually this happens every time I go up a steep hill) after I got my breath back I felt really good.
I wonder if for the 10k I'm going to have to do a quick sprint at some point as a boost... (perhaps I won't risk that...)

So then I find myself going through a rather dull housing estate before continuing along the estuary, past the cemetery and up to the bridge, as in 'Kingsbridge', that one.

By this time the nice chap on the nike+ was telling me there were 4km to go and so I reckoned I would just go for the full 10. Which was quite challenging in itself - but there was the added thing of wanting to get it done in under an hour. I know the poxy hill slowed me down rather a lot, but there is no way I'm going to beat the previous time of 57 mins something especially as I felt I ran quite well.

So perhaps this 10k race will simply be a case of trying to keep up with my younger self...

27 Apr 2011

time is running out

I have just realised (finger on the pulse, me) that it's only about 18 days until the 10k...

I reckon I'll get round OK (providing I prepare better than last time) but I would like to do it in under an hour - and that's going to be a struggle for fat little old me.

Last time I felt I pushed it and did it in about 57mins and the usual scrum at the beginning kind of slowed me down a bit. I have to do 9 1/2 minute-miles which is doable I think. It fecking ought to be - it's hardly olympic standard is it...

Should I run tonight, after work, in the heat???

23 Apr 2011

oh my days

Well after a long break I went for a run this morning, in the Easter heatwave we seem to be having. OK it was only 830, before it got really hot, but it was still fairly steamy.

And I went 13k or so - which is further than I was planning (not that I ever plan these things)

So I feel very pleased with myself and it's counteracted all the immense amount of food I've been eating recently. So, hurray for me.

But I need to do a lot more before the 10k in May - the distance isn't perhaps too much of a problem, but the speed and the ease of running it is. Today I felt knackered and it was a struggle to keep going, frankly. But I did. I slowed down a lot and just accepted that it was never going to be a happy run. I have to take preparation a little bit more seriously if I'm going to beat my previous time of 57mins, some seconds. I would like to think I came in under the hour at least.
We shall see...

18 Apr 2011

another half of half a marathon

Well, I've signed up for this year's 10k in Bristol.


Well, I guess I know I can do the distance (witness my heroic last run) but it's whether I can do one to order. As in, at a time and place which I haven't chosen. At least I know the route will be flat (no side trips to the camera obscura. At least I really hope not - the Portway is about 100m below the thing...)

But, last time I did the 10k I suffered. I was a bit stressed out for some reason - after all I'd done the training and I'd already done the 1/2 marathon, so there should have been no reasn for fear. But I had butterflies while waiting for the off. I also needed a wee which didn't help, but I was doing my usual thing of being so desperate not to be late for a thing that I got to the start line too early - I probably did have time for a wee cos it takes so long for everyone to get through the start. Hey ho, next time will be good!

I've put in for a 55mins time which is 5mins 30 per km - I have no idea how that translates to mins per mile - about 9 30 probably which is doable - as long as I get the right carbo-loading worked out. No wine the night before, I'd suggest for starters.

10 Apr 2011

woop woop

Glorious sunny morning. Slightly more suitable carbo-loading last night of fish and chips and chocolate.
And my run was lovely - hard work, some aches and pains but generally almost enjoyable.
8.66 miles which is the furthest I've gone for a long time.

General feeling of well-being!

3 Apr 2011

carbo loading

As part of a scientific experiment involving major self-sacrifice I can now disclose my findings.

White wine and chocolate do not constitute carbo-loading.

In fact, if anything, I might even conclude that taken together the night before a very unambitious run is something of a hindrance.

But at least I left the house wearing stretchy stuff and went for a run. Hurrah  

30 Mar 2011

Ashton Court Parkrun

Just seen this:


It's basically a 5k run every Saturday in a nice location, they time you and then you go for a cup of tea.

Sounds like a nice thing to do.

But it's 0900 on a Saturday morning which means leaving home by 815 and cycling over the bridge to Ashton Court. And then back home again.

Still it's a good incentive to go for a run I guess....

Any takers???

28 Mar 2011


After avoiding the issue all weekend, I finally went for this week’s pretentious display of middle-age denial this morning. I didn’t give myself the hint of an option not to go. Not exactly something I have been looking forward to is it.
But I dragged my screaming carcass round the downs and even took in the loop around the camera obscura which I hadn’t intended doing. Everything hurt going up that bloody hill – but it was so good to get to the top and see the view and just run down again. And as I was running downhill it struck me that a lot of the time I’m trying to brake as I go downhill which is a waste of energy, so today I just relaxed and let it happen. It felt good…
So, stats:
Dur – felt like an hour
Dist – whatever the distance is around that route
Calories – 100 per mile…
Time/mile – slowish
Fact is I didn’t use the nike + - this was pure radio one all the way round…

One of my many thoughts as I was trudging round was to rename this blog middle-aged denial, or running away from the truth about getting old. I do feel the weight of age these days – probably due to the weight of flab I carry although that’s not excessive. I haven’t lost any weight recently which is no surprise considering how lax I’ve been regarding the low-carb approach to life, but my old jeans fit better than they have for a while so I guess a lot of what’s going on is to do with getting musclier.
I can only hope… 

19 Mar 2011

Still steaming from the run...

That was very hard work...

I was buzzing from having 2 strong coffees and a toasted teacake (quite a sugar rush for me...) so I thought I would run now (Saturday afternoon) rather than wait for Sunday morning (also it's likely to be raining tomorrow)

It was an odd one - the caffeine was giving a kind of superficial energy but I was definitely lacking in proper fuel. I was feeling sick and in a cold sweat for the first couple of miles which wasn't very pleasant. I had to stop running a couple of times to cross the road which possibly helped a bit, got the blood to the right places and then I could set off again.

They say a change is as good as a rest, but frankly that's bollocks: I changed my normal route and I don't feel rested at all. Boyf dropped me off by the water tower and I went down ladies mile and clockwise round the downs, along to coldharbour rd and then kellaway avenue, glos rd and ashlety hill and sefton park road.

I'm very glad I've been and wish I was a bit keener to keep it up.

Is it going to knacker my knees and hips in the long run or make them stronger? Does anyone really know or is it the luck of the draw, joints-wise?

Anyway, the all-important stats:
59m 11s
9m 40s/mile

12 Mar 2011

Long time, no run

I have suffered...
My left thigh and hip and knee were very sore today - pretty sure it's the IT band thing again and I'm also pretty sure it will wear off if I run a bit more. In fact, once I'd gone about 4 miles it did start to feel a lot better and I have no idea what I'd done other than up the pace a little bit. I was trying to see what it feels like to run at a sub-2hour 1/2 marathon pace. And I found it was tough...

43m 32s
4.68 miles
9m 18s/mile

At least I went for a run. Hold that thought...

6 Mar 2011

bring on the excuses....

It's Sunday, it's a lovely day, and I'm not running.
Don't want to.
Can't make me.

27 Feb 2011

how to survive torture

There is a method of surviving torture - you believe that it's not going to end, that you will be killed, so you abandon hope. That way you know pain will end eventually and there is no point in fighting it.
It's what I was telling myself as I was running (running? dragging more like) my wobbly carcass up to the camera obscura. I knew I was going to keep going no matter what, that it wouldn't end until it was over, so I abandoned hope. I got to the top and was euphoric.
It's one of the best views in Bristol imho and all the better for arriving there knackered and in some little distress.
And another truism held - 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' Running back down the hill was lovely and although it was so muddy my feet kept flying out from under me, the cross-country bit back up to the downs really didn't feel too bad.
I'm rambling.
It was a good run, it made me feel better and I must do it more...

20 Feb 2011

Another day, another triumphant run

Well, it was just a run around the downs, but it *was* a run!!!

But at least I don't feel too old and knackered after it, which is an improvement.

It was very cold this morning and there were lots of other people out running - possibly cos the Bath 1/2 marathon is quite soon. I'm definitely not up for a 1/2 marathon yet, but I do have to make the decision whether or not to go for it quite soon. One of the reasons for doing it - I know this is terribly shallow - that I want to impress people with my fitness at my huge age etc etc. But boyf will be doing it after intensive training and will no doubt acheive his goal of under 1h 30mins and my  gym person regularly runs to the gym  - from Portishead... so there will just be myself to impress then...

12 Feb 2011

Oh yes!

6.86 miles
1h 07m 18s
9m 49s / mile
670 cals (well that should see off last night's chocolate..)

Very glad I went running - it was a lovely morning and I felt pretty good. Then when I got to Tescos on kellaway avenue I saw the time was after 10 and I was supposed to be back before 1030 so I had to go faster (not a happy thought) but I did and it wasn't anything like as bad as I'd feared.
But my left hip/lower back was quite stiff. I know I should stretch more - yoga more than once a month would help - and my right foot was a bit weird, not sure what's going on there.

But I've run again, less than a week after the last one - is this the dawning of a new era? Ummmmm....

6 Feb 2011

The problem with running...

...is I'm middle aged and not as fit as I think I am...

I twisted my ankle about 3 weeks ago - on the same day I went flying off my bike on some black ice and skinned my knee - and frankly it's still not right. I also have an aching left hip and my feet aren't all they might be - not flexible enough.
And there is the issue of my not being very fit - I cycle to work which takes about 40 mins and I go to the gym and sometimes do yoga and I walk and have to go up and down stairs all day - but it's not the same as being aerobically fit so I can run for an hour without the worry of being stuff as a board in the morning...
So the plan must be to run more - at lunchtimes on quiet days at work, after I get home of an evening... dream on... I know what I'm like. I like the idea of running, of taking on a 1/2 marathon for instance, more than actually going out into the great outdoors and getting on with it.
But as it's 75% in your head anyway, perhaps I can turn it round.
We shall see...

BTW I went for a run this morning, round the outside of the downs - not the camera obscura bit -  and it was very muddy. Listening to broadcasting house and some of the Archers.

1 Feb 2011


Can't get myself going anymore... It's too cold, I'm too tired, there's too many hills, the cat looked at me funny...
And there is a million more excuses waiting and ready to be aired next time the foolish urge to go running attacks me.
I can fight it.

24 Jan 2011

wonderful windy whitstable

I have run - yay!!!
I went for just under an hour, with lots of hangover to contend with and it was cold and grey - but I went for a run!
The route was along the shore by the beach huts between Whitstable and Seasalter, the usual trip. And I did kind of enjoy it - it was bloody hard work (see reasons above) but I kept going, stopping only once to tie up a shoelace.
And today (the day after) I don't feel too achy or sore which is another bonus.
So I will have to keep it up won't I.
I also had a weekend off the low-carb diet and have indulged enormously in toast, wine, chips, cake, chocolate (am feeling peckish just thinking about it)
So today I:m back on the low-carb wagon (but have stuffed myself mightily with nuts and grapes and soup so in terms of losing flabbiness it's a bit of a dead end...)
But I'm very glad to have got out there again and am looking forward to another run this Sunday (If I blog these things they may happen...)

13 Jan 2011

Would love to say...

..that I have been running like the wind and am signed up for the nearest half marathon - but I can't... 

Have flu - or a flu-like lurgy at least - and it's not conducive to getting out there and pounding the pavements. In fact I can barely get off the sofa, so I'm staying put until the virus is dead...
There is an upside to all this feeling poorly, which is knowing that when it's over, you feel like a new person and can take on the world
Bring it on

In the meantime pass the tissues and can I please not watch Jeremy Kyle, it makes my brain die a little...

3 Jan 2011

First run of 2011

How to describe this run - cold, mainly. Hands were frozen until about 30 mins in and then it started snowing. Must be winter...

But yay - I have run and it wasn't too bad - apart from the left hip thing. I think it will get better as I run a bit more but it was really quite painful. it needed a proper stretch, but instead it got another mile of my less than natural running.

So those all important stats
54' 01" - 9'47" per mile (I know really slow but there was a pb mile in there and a pb 5k so ner) - 5.52 miles - 538 calories

Will this mean the beginning of a purple period in my running career? V unlikely as I don't like the cold. Perhaps when it's a bit warmer...