8 May 2011

it's all in the mind

Well, some of it is foot and leg related obviously, but it's amazing how much your head is in control.
For instance, when my lovely ipod told me I'd done 10k this morning, it seemed like the hardest thing in the world to keep going let alone to keep the energy going.

But I did. What a trouper, etc.
statto - the stats:

1 hour 4 mins 39secs
6.94 miles
9'18" per mile
644 cals

Things to remember for next Sunday
the first 3 km or so are hard work - feet hurt and so on. After that the left hip begins tightening up but feet are getting better.
after that it's mind over matter.
I have to keep up the pace if I'm going to get under the hour. And that's hard work.

I've realised this morning that if I feel I'm pushing quite hard then I will equal what I did in the last 10 when I was feeling rough. But also thinner and younger. It's just the ravages of age. Perhaps I could get a lot quicker but I would have to lose about 15lbs and do a lot more training. And I don't want to do that. Perhaps I'm just not motivated enough.

Last week's run stats were:

bah - they're not kept. Today's lesson - if you want to keep your stats you have to download them otherwise the next one will overwrite the previous one...

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