15 May 2011


Hurray!!! I've done a PB in the 10k!!!
Not entirely sure what the actual timing will be but I crossed the line at 53 25 ish and that was after crossing the startline a few seconds after the start so I guess it's about that long.
It felt OK mostly. It's pretty flat so there's no breathlessness issues in the 1st 100m and the usual aches and pains didn't seem to materialise much either.
The hardest bit was km7 and 8 which was off the bottom of the portway and over the cumberland basin (a longer hill than you're expecting) and then the drag down past Spike Island to the Louisiana. It seems to go on and on and there is a very slight uphill slope but by then even a slight slope seems like a massive insult.
I was passing people there and was getting my breath back from the hill over the cumberland basin and it was all good.
Soooo good to get into the centre and towards the finish though... I'd missed the 9km marker but I knew exactly where the finish was and it was getting closer with every step and when I saw the clock I was delighted! I felt I'd pushed reasonably hard all the way round and so it was great to see there was a decent outcome. I guess it was cos there weren't any massive hills like there have been on the past couple of runs - plus the crowd helps (even thought it was quite sparse in places...)

so then began the job of finding boyf. We'd got separated before the start and it's a nightmare trying to find anyone in that sort of a crowd. but we got back together at the car and then off for a slap up shower and a feast at the cowshed.
So why is it that I've done that distance many times before but doing it with 9,000 other people makes it so much more knackering?

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