3 May 2011

Virtuous holiday running

I primed the nike+ to do a 10k run rather than just a basic workout and set off along the treacherous road out of our holiday let in Kingsbridge. It's one of those roads where there's no footpath and the traffic's pretty racy. In one direction there's a sign to pedestrians to go through the cemetery rather than risk the side of the road. Pretty sobering when they're turning away potential customers in the interest of safety...

So, anyway, had a jog around the town, found a leisure centre then failed to get very far around the estuary. Too many private roads. Turned back and found myself running up a hill steep enough to remind me of the cheese-rolling one in Gloucestershire - I had to walk the last bit. But surprisingly (well, actually this happens every time I go up a steep hill) after I got my breath back I felt really good.
I wonder if for the 10k I'm going to have to do a quick sprint at some point as a boost... (perhaps I won't risk that...)

So then I find myself going through a rather dull housing estate before continuing along the estuary, past the cemetery and up to the bridge, as in 'Kingsbridge', that one.

By this time the nice chap on the nike+ was telling me there were 4km to go and so I reckoned I would just go for the full 10. Which was quite challenging in itself - but there was the added thing of wanting to get it done in under an hour. I know the poxy hill slowed me down rather a lot, but there is no way I'm going to beat the previous time of 57 mins something especially as I felt I ran quite well.

So perhaps this 10k race will simply be a case of trying to keep up with my younger self...

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