20 Jun 2011

8 days without a run...

Can't say I really miss it. Is that wrong?

I had a migrainey thing yesterday (brought on by Pirates of the Carribean - I think it was the 3d aspect of it rather than an overdose of Mr Depp...) so I stayed in bed til 3pm (apart from the odd rush to the lav for vomming - lush) and decided a run wasn't the best plan...

But now I have the annual dilemma of whether I should enter the 1/2 marathon. It's 12 weeks til the event which is more than long enough to get into shape for it - but can I get into mental shape for it and not chicken out again? I know it's a great motivation for upping the running and losing weight (10 lbs between now and then would be good...) so what's not to like?

Just do it???

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