27 Feb 2011

how to survive torture

There is a method of surviving torture - you believe that it's not going to end, that you will be killed, so you abandon hope. That way you know pain will end eventually and there is no point in fighting it.
It's what I was telling myself as I was running (running? dragging more like) my wobbly carcass up to the camera obscura. I knew I was going to keep going no matter what, that it wouldn't end until it was over, so I abandoned hope. I got to the top and was euphoric.
It's one of the best views in Bristol imho and all the better for arriving there knackered and in some little distress.
And another truism held - 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' Running back down the hill was lovely and although it was so muddy my feet kept flying out from under me, the cross-country bit back up to the downs really didn't feel too bad.
I'm rambling.
It was a good run, it made me feel better and I must do it more...

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