12 Feb 2011

Oh yes!

6.86 miles
1h 07m 18s
9m 49s / mile
670 cals (well that should see off last night's chocolate..)

Very glad I went running - it was a lovely morning and I felt pretty good. Then when I got to Tescos on kellaway avenue I saw the time was after 10 and I was supposed to be back before 1030 so I had to go faster (not a happy thought) but I did and it wasn't anything like as bad as I'd feared.
But my left hip/lower back was quite stiff. I know I should stretch more - yoga more than once a month would help - and my right foot was a bit weird, not sure what's going on there.

But I've run again, less than a week after the last one - is this the dawning of a new era? Ummmmm....

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