6 Feb 2011

The problem with running...

...is I'm middle aged and not as fit as I think I am...

I twisted my ankle about 3 weeks ago - on the same day I went flying off my bike on some black ice and skinned my knee - and frankly it's still not right. I also have an aching left hip and my feet aren't all they might be - not flexible enough.
And there is the issue of my not being very fit - I cycle to work which takes about 40 mins and I go to the gym and sometimes do yoga and I walk and have to go up and down stairs all day - but it's not the same as being aerobically fit so I can run for an hour without the worry of being stuff as a board in the morning...
So the plan must be to run more - at lunchtimes on quiet days at work, after I get home of an evening... dream on... I know what I'm like. I like the idea of running, of taking on a 1/2 marathon for instance, more than actually going out into the great outdoors and getting on with it.
But as it's 75% in your head anyway, perhaps I can turn it round.
We shall see...

BTW I went for a run this morning, round the outside of the downs - not the camera obscura bit -  and it was very muddy. Listening to broadcasting house and some of the Archers.

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