28 Mar 2011


After avoiding the issue all weekend, I finally went for this week’s pretentious display of middle-age denial this morning. I didn’t give myself the hint of an option not to go. Not exactly something I have been looking forward to is it.
But I dragged my screaming carcass round the downs and even took in the loop around the camera obscura which I hadn’t intended doing. Everything hurt going up that bloody hill – but it was so good to get to the top and see the view and just run down again. And as I was running downhill it struck me that a lot of the time I’m trying to brake as I go downhill which is a waste of energy, so today I just relaxed and let it happen. It felt good…
So, stats:
Dur – felt like an hour
Dist – whatever the distance is around that route
Calories – 100 per mile…
Time/mile – slowish
Fact is I didn’t use the nike + - this was pure radio one all the way round…

One of my many thoughts as I was trudging round was to rename this blog middle-aged denial, or running away from the truth about getting old. I do feel the weight of age these days – probably due to the weight of flab I carry although that’s not excessive. I haven’t lost any weight recently which is no surprise considering how lax I’ve been regarding the low-carb approach to life, but my old jeans fit better than they have for a while so I guess a lot of what’s going on is to do with getting musclier.
I can only hope… 

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