7 Aug 2011

running in the rain

Torrential at times - and then the sun came out and it all went gin-clear and sparkly again. British summer for you...

Here are some stats which I find interesting but doubt if they're very riveting for anyone else
1h 1m 42s
6.28 miles
9m 49s /mile
592 calories

It was hard work - despite not having any wine last night and having a breakfast an hour before setting off - but still it took a couple of miles to get going properly. Perhaps that's not unusual, perhaps it's evidence of getting old. Having said that, there was less pain than usual: feet and knees were OK, the only twinge was coming from my left lower back, but I know that works better when I've stretched properly (if only my yoga teacher wasn't on holiday for the next few weeks...)
Again when I'd gone up to the observatory and done that intense hill, it seemed to unlock some energy reserves - is this how bodies work?
I did a different route - driving up to the downs then doing a circuit taking in the camera obscura and then across the bridge which was really nice - I had ambitious plans to go into Ashton Court but I think I did the right thing not to go that far. I'm sure I would have made it though - perhaps if I was in proper training, for a 1/2 marathon say, then I would have pushed myself, but just going to lose a few lbs then meh, it's probably better to do more shorter runs during the week rather than concentrate on the marathon at the weekend. Sort of...

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