23 Apr 2011

oh my days

Well after a long break I went for a run this morning, in the Easter heatwave we seem to be having. OK it was only 830, before it got really hot, but it was still fairly steamy.

And I went 13k or so - which is further than I was planning (not that I ever plan these things)

So I feel very pleased with myself and it's counteracted all the immense amount of food I've been eating recently. So, hurray for me.

But I need to do a lot more before the 10k in May - the distance isn't perhaps too much of a problem, but the speed and the ease of running it is. Today I felt knackered and it was a struggle to keep going, frankly. But I did. I slowed down a lot and just accepted that it was never going to be a happy run. I have to take preparation a little bit more seriously if I'm going to beat my previous time of 57mins, some seconds. I would like to think I came in under the hour at least.
We shall see...

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