25 Sept 2011


Just got in from my Sunday morning run-fest and it's pouring down. For once I missed it - hooray.
And I actually felt OK on the run (the usual 11km thingy) except for:
1. left hip, well, back of hip and a bit higher up than hip - it took a nasty turn at one point.
2. Left outside of knee where I think there is a tendon or something
3. Left calf - very tight. I think it's cos I'm trying to run on my toes a bit more to save my knees. Unforseen consequences...
4. right outside of knee pretty much the same as no. 2

but all in all satisfactory.

There is still an outside chance of doing the stroud 1/2 marathon - I know I will have to run twice as far as today pretty much but I think I'm fit enough.Whether the joints and tendons etc would hold out for another 6 miles is another matter. I will have to up the mileage during the week - but there are 5 weeks I think until it starts.


not sure about this

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