30 Sept 2011

Hottest 30th Sept since 1908

It was baking hot today - and tomorrow might be the hottest October day on record. It's very weird - being very warm, windows open and in the pitch dark at 8 o clock.
So I had a choice - to go for a run tonight and have a couple of ice-cold beers - or have a couple of ice-cold beers this evening and then have to get up about 7am and run in the morning. Very glad this one is over
And I've used the nike+ again - I will have to check if it's calibrated properly...
stats - just in case they're accurate -
67mins 15 secs
7.37 miles
9 mins 7secs per mile
695 calories

am very pleased if it is accurate cos it's a lot faster than I've been running recently.

(Perhaps I will be disappointed if I do check it out and it's all calibrated wrong... )

have checked the distance on map my run and it turns out I ran....
7.36 miles
Result!!! In both senses - 1. that I calibrated the thing correctly and 2. I am running faster than I ever dreamed possible.
Well, it's nice to think I'm not as decrepit as I think...

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