30 Oct 2016

All Uphill

It's getting harder to get out and running. I know it's getting colder which doesn't help but that's not the main thing. I think there is such a psychological aspect to running that I have to change my frame of mind to get me out there. It's why boyf runs with a club - as he says, he hands himself over to them and he just runs. I seem to spend a stupid amount of time psyching myself up.

But I did go for a run and it didn't kill me.

The new route round the allotments is nice - quite uphilly once I'm down in the valley but that's part of the challenge. I still ache and so on but I assume it's doing me more good than harm.
I feel better for going but it does kind of let me off the leash to spend the rest of the day lazing around. And eating too much. Or worse.

But - I have to keep going. And without the benefit of very expensive Sweaty Betty kit. It won't make a difference having £90 tights will it, even if they promise to be warm but wicky. I am just as likely to run in old leggings tbh - it's down to the state of my mind, not the state of my kit.

oo, that was quite deep.

16 Oct 2016


Yesterday was a challenge.
As well as the usual effort required to get kitted up and out the door, I was buried under an overwhelming wave of depression. It makes me slow down to the point of catatonia; I need to cry, to turn myself off, to disappear.
Even my new bouncy shoes made no difference.
But I had 2 things on my side.
One is the accepted wisdom that exercise and especially outdoor exercise - ie running - is hugely beneficial at these times.
Two - bf was there to give me a proper hug and boot me out the door.
And it was the right thing to do - both the hug and the run. I felt a lot better for it.
The depression doesn't go away, it's not zapped out of existence like an infection blasted by antibiotics - but it becomes softer, more malleable and can be kept in its box.
Perhaps I will have to keep my running shoes at work and head out at lunchtimes for therapy (probably healthier than endless coffees) This will make me an elite something by Christmas. That plus the Headspace sessions will make me a superbrain ready to tackle anything and everything life and throw at me.

I live in a world of fantasy and fancy.

6 Oct 2016

I. Feel. So. Bouncy

New Shoes!!!!

Nothing special, just got new shoes and they have changed everything.
Well sort of.
They're very much an improvement on my old ones.
But I had to swap their laces (bright neon pink) for my old grey ones. It seems like all shoes are now, by law, bright, fluorescent, nauseatingly colourful.  Apparently I like dull shoes. Who knew? (I refused to even try on the Barbie-coloured pair...)

More to the point - I ran like the wind. A slow breeze sort of wind...
4.5 miles - 9 min 41 a mile

last week, to compare:

28 sept: 4.5 miles 9 min 48 a mile
25 sept: 4.4 miles 9 min 49 a mile

like, crikey it's as though i have rockets on my feet....

I still can't believe I ran 13 and a bit miles once. Only once.

17 Sept 2016

2 runs

Am I getting a bit ocd about these posts? I mean - no one cares if I do one after every run or not and it's not like it changes anything... But in truth I do like to look back and see what previous runs have been like - and how much pain I was in, that sort of thing...

so - the last 2 runs (not exactly over doing the commitment to running...)

4 sept
4.4 miles - 9 53 a mile

17 sept
4.53 miles - 9 min 55 a mile

so nothing life-changing - but nothing too shabby either

The most recent one (today) - I actually went a different route -  I went down past the allotments and along the railway line for a little while and then back up to ashley hill. It was disappointingly not very far as it was a lovely route (very green and no traffic) and then I just did the normal route. But changing is good.

Pains and so on - well, my hip is still troubling me a bit but the pain might be in a different place, or does the stress put on it by running helps it repair??? I don't know. Plus I tried to engage my hamstrings a bit more which engages my glutes which is something I really need to do more of.
So that's all good.

And it's all done in a fasted state so hopefully an effective weight-loss thing as I'm not eating until midday at the earliest - a 16-hour fast which is something I've been doing for a few months and have lost 10-12 lbs. Feel much better for it. Would like to lose a little more fat to feel a bit more angular. The main downside is that as I'm quite short it's extraordinarily hard to find clothes which fit. Perhaps I should try children's - they seem to grow quite large these days....

31 Aug 2016

More pain...

Working on the various pains...
1. heel - just putting up with it I guess. I know rest is important (I'm good at that...) and stretching will come into it at some point - but there is a level of pain there which puts me off making it any worse. It hurts when I walk, mostly when I've been off it and then walk on it. Running seemed to be OK - it wears off fairly quickly. Not sure if that is a good thing or not
2. Hips - my osteopath is working on me. The foam roller is a main element in the rehabilitation process - never has anything self-inflicted hurt so much. I can only hope it's working. It hurts far more on the bad side so I think the principle is sound, and the pain is lessening - or my threshold is rising.
3. toe joint - no change but I am constantly aware I have to make sure my Glutes are engaged when running which sometimes means I have to feel I'm twisting. I just wasn't made very well...
But I did run this week - another turn around the downs. I would be very happy if I could get myself up there without the need for a bike/car. I know my limit is about 5 miles - it used to be a regular 7 but that was a lifetime ago - and so the downs run is a treat. Perhaps when I'm back at work I will cycle up at lunchtime... could only do that if it's very cold as my face turns beetroot when I run. Not sophisticated really...

4.35 miles
9min 58 a mile - so not too shabby for me... (under 10 mins a mile is a triumph in my book)

19 Aug 2016

Never without pain...

One day I will get through a run without a nagging pain.
But not yet

Today was hip and heel pain. The saga of the hip is that I have been to the osteopath and she gave me the most painful massage ever - really digging into the muscles. I had to go to my happy place to get through it tbh. But I didn't cry or use the safeword.

And the outcome is that my hip is more painful. I'm working on the assumption that this means something (ultimately) good is happening in there. I have stretches to work on as well which are painful and necessary. I sit around so much everything that should be moving and loose is tight and stiff. I'm getting old but there is no real reason why I can't keep supple and fit - apart from the arthritis thing everything just needs keeping moving.

Use it or lose it

I actually went to the gym before the run (and had cycled up there as well - I am a superhero)
3.21 miles
10.04 mins a mile. Slow but ffs I was in pain and I actually went out and did it

well done me

10 Aug 2016

slow but sure

Another run - get me.
This time 10 years ago I was running 7 miles before breakfast

entry for 10 aug 2006:
Back on the road again....

Having survived various symptoms of lergy (lurgy??) I am back on the long road to wherever 13 and a bit miles will take me...

It wasn't too bad, once the first mile or so was done. This bit is all slightly uphill, so imagine setting off at 0620, uphill, feeling a little queasy and a lot knackered and you get the picture... But despite allowing myself to think about cutting the route short and taking it easy on myself, I did the whole thing and felt like a real trouper (trooper??) when I got back to safety and managed to separate my feet from my shoes.

So there you have it - I'm still in the running, whether I like it or not.

Was chatting to a friend who has just taken up running and claims to love it: she goes for about 3 and a half miles and feels on top of the world. She knows a person who runs 13 miles for fun then runs home up a steep hill. That person is obviously unstable and is to be avoided. How can anyone get to the stage when 13 miles is a 'fun run'?

I see Nick Rose running round the downs a lot - I remember him from way back (can't be sure when) and he was a terrific international runner, winning lots of races and generally being a local hero. He still goes at a hell of a rate and I'm sure he's just jogging...

I'm off on holiday tomorrow but the trainers are coming with me. A week away from the routine will test my mettle... 

So there - it really happened.
I don't think I'm downhearted about not being at that level now - I am realistic about my capabilities although I know I could push myself a lot harder. I guess I have to balance that against the injuries and knackerednesses I would have to endure.
But 10 years is a long time which has gone by very very fast.
At the rate I ran today my 1/2 marathon time would be... 2.2 hours. Even if I could keep going at just over 10 mins a mile...
But I have to accept that I can keep running though by muscles and hips are aching while I dod it - it doesn't feel like an injury, just age getting the better of me...

8 Aug 2016


OK - it was a bit hurty but at least I dragged myself out for a run and was very glad I did. It was even raining when I left the house and I went anyway.
(But then it stopped raining and was quite nice...)
It was OK - I went up to the downs with the intention of being kind to myself by running slowly (which I did) and once I got a bit warmed up the hip problem didn't get any worse. And today it's still relatively OK so perhaps it's a limited thing. I am stretching like an Armstrong which I hope helps as it's not very nice. I have also booked an osteopath session to see if there is something I can be doing to sort it out and also to have a go at my wonky shoulders.
No one warns you that 'getting old' starts so soon. I thought it might kick in at some point in the future but it looks like it's happening now.
How depressing is that...

24 Jul 2016


Oh I know I have a lot to feel thankful for.
But there are a few things I want to get off my chest

I haven't been for a run since the previous post - it's my hip. There is an ache heading down the outside of my leg towards my knee - and doesn't seem to be getting any better. I am stretching a bit (no doubt not enough) and I expect that's something I will have to keep up. But my hips are so tight - I see how they do the stretches on the yin yoga vidoes and I feel actually ashamed by my stiffness. My big concern is that it's arthritis. It's destroyed my toe joint but I'm managing to live with it - but if it's a hip thing I don't know how to deal with that.

But that's all kind of moot if I continue along the road to a mental breakdown. Today's been OK but Friday was a scary day. Panic, crying (the collapsed on the floor crying your face off sort), unable to move. Wanting to die.

I've lost 10lbs - which was supposed to make me feel better about myself. But, because NO ONE HAS NOTICED it means nothing to me. And I haven't been running to get the benefit of having less weight to haul around

When do things start getting better?

13 Jul 2016



It hurts exactly as google says it would. It's come on after running - like google said it would. Google said it's caused by a tight IT band among other things - which is feasible.

So I will have to do those hideous stretches - and keep at them - until I am no longer stiff as a board and could pass for someone 20 years younger

We can all dream...

god it's annoying this aging process.

3 Jul 2016


Well, I feel old. My left hip aches like a nasty thing and I can't run straight cos of my arthritic toe joint.

So, old

But not so old I didn't go for a run this morning - in the very leggings I bought in Jasper to run in Canada. Which was nice.

I did a run round the downs and realised today is when the Race For Life is on - I could have done that... Except I'm working today on a project which is frankly doing my head in so much I'm taking August off as unpaid leave to regain some level of sanity. Extreme I know but sometimes you have to take control of your life,

I found it slightly easier to run than I feared - possibly cos I have lost about 10lbs. It feels great but I know I won't be happy until I look and feel slimmer. There is a slight element of eating disorder about my thinking from time to time - but this week I have been eating better and have only lost 1/2 lb or so. That's OK. I've done it on intermittent fasting - the 16:8 not the 5:2 version (I can't stand the long days without food) This one is 16 hours fasting in 24, 5 times a week. And when you're eating you can have pretty much what you like - not too much obviously but as long as you're eating healthily you lose weight. It's to do with getting into the fat-burning zone once you've had 12 hours without eating - so after about 8am I spend the next 4 hours burning fat - which is then gone. If you eat enough calories to remain the same weight over the course of a day, you haven't spent 4 hours burning fat - so there is a net loss over the day despite eating maintenance levels of food.

It works

22 May 2016

long-distance run

Well, not 'long distance' as in 'I ran a long way' - more that it was a long way from home. Jasper in Canada in fact. It was beautiful there - the mountains were perfect - a light dusting of snow glowing in the morning light.
I went out for a run about 630am and it was below freezing - but how fresh and clean the air was! Running alongside the railway track (which carried trains at least a mile long...) and then onto a cycle track which headed off into the unspoilt woodland.
It was so lovely that even the aching calf muscle couldn't spoil it totally.
Also I had to buy new running kit as I hadn't packed any, thinking I was going to have a 2-week rest to allow my calf to recover.
So - yes I should have let my calf rest - but I would have missed out on the most amazing run.
The leggings were North Face and were perfect - apart from the lack of drawstring meaning they fell down and there is no key pocket. I very much should have packed some...

Honestly - this was what I was running through...

2 May 2016

Slow and painful...

So it's a bank holiday and it wasn't raining (too much) this morning so I did what any right-minded serial jogger would do - I got in the car and went up to the downs for a run.
It was all looking ok and in truth I was beginning to enjoy it once I got warmed up.
But then came a dull ache in my right calf - nothing worse than I've had before. But it got worse and worse - and having been through the trauma of a proper torn calf muscle I decided to walk back to the car and call it a day.
Very disappointing.
I'm away for a couple of weeks so I guess I will pick it up again when I get back - and it might be just the thing to rest for a couple of weeks.
Like I need an excuse...

25 Apr 2016

get a grip...

It was an OK run - but towards the end I decided I could run faster - so I did. For about 3 minutes.
And it really hurts today. My poor foot that doesn't work very well now has a painful arch and as for my calves, well, don't go there.
But I was under the 10 mins a mile average which is pleasing considering I did the hilly route round the downs.
I could post the stats but I can't really be bothered...

hey ho - onwards and upwards

I watched a bit of the London Marathon yesterday - how those people do I I don't know. I struggle to run for 40 mins and they're going for hour after hour. I know there is a boost from the crowd but they can't give you more puff or less pain. Could I ever do such a thing? I honestly don't think so cos I don't have the motivation.
So what I'm saying 'I could do it, I just don't want to.' Anyone believe that?
Thought not

19 Apr 2016

Seaside - yay!

A weekend in wonderful Whitstable: great friends, great weather - and great runs. Yes, runs - 2 of them... Don't often to consecutive days (ever???) but I was out there on Saturday and then, blow me down, Sunday as well...

4.34 miles/ 10:06 mins per mile

2.76 miles/10:30 per mile

so - spectacularly slow but it is so good to run along the shore - lots of groynes to leap over (...) and shingle beach to slow me down hence the slow time...but the air and the scenery is enough to keep me going quite happily...

10 Apr 2016

a run on the downs

It was OK. It made sense to drive up to the downs as it's far nicer than running from home. And I am very down these days. I know running's supposed to give you a lift and I guess it does. I'm still on the 16:8 (not exactly losing a shedload of fat but there you go) so I was running on an empty stomach. It was tough to begin with but it got a little easier later on.
44m 53s
4.47 miles
10m 02 per mile.
I am a jogger not a runner. Being a jogger is a fine and noble pursuit. It's good for me and keeps my mind off the current shitty nature of my life as I see it. I have no right to call my life in any way shitty compared with 99.9% of the world - but I am down.
When will the good things happen?

30 Mar 2016


This morning was so different.

For a start I have been back on the 16:8 intermittent fasting regime (not eating between 8pm and midday) so I was running on an empty stomach - but it felt fine. Surprisingly.

Where the pains were:
1. knackered toe joint after about 30 mins
2. left hip at the side
3. general hips on both sides - possibly due to the crappy running action caused by running lop-sided on my knackered toe.

But - it was a run which made me feel better for having been on it. So that's good, right?

24 Mar 2016

Running for mental health

There is a lot of evidence to support that running is good for your mental health - reducing stress hormones, improving appetite and sleep, having a goal even if it's just to get out of the house and run for 30 mins.
I do harbour a few mental health issues - general depression, anxiety, the usual modern afflictions - and I never regret going for a run even if it's a huge effort to get out there.
Perhaps it's time to make a greater commitment to just getting out there
I may even take the radical step of running in my walking shoes (the clumpy merell things). I have run in them before - in France on a holiday - and it was ok. With the mid-foot strike there is less need for the heel cushioning and there is plenty of support around the mid-foot. It's a plan in case I decide to go away in May and only want to take the one pair of shoes. It's going to add a level of suspense to today's run...

I got ready to go and convinced myself it was a good idea. And I truly believed that it would do me good and was happy at the thought.
I drove up to the downs and the heavens opened. I was tooled up with the app and headphones and ready to go. But I gave in. Decided that a hot bath would do me more good. I started driving back home - but then the rain stopped so I forced myself to get over myself and run.
I set off and felt like shit. I was heavy and slow and desperately unhappy. I walked a bit of the way.
In total I dragged myself for 1.6 miles and came home.
Now I feel terrible, a failure. I spent the rest of the day eating and making myself sick. Hate that it's come to this.
I know that on a better day I would tell the story differently - that despite the rain I went for a run which is an achievement
But today I feel wuite down.

12 Mar 2016

it's been a while...

I think there has been a couple of runs recently - but using the tiny ipod means I don't have the stats. Although that doesn't mean the runs don't count.
Does it?
Accurate stats never used to matter, in my days of training for the 1/2 marathon. Then it was a bit of cotton wound round the course on a scale map..

That was 10 years ago.
ffs what's happened to all that time?

I know I'm much slower (and fatter and older) but it was mst definitely a jog this morning. I did go around the downs for the first time in a year or so (cos I can now drive after 12 months of purdah waiting to see if I have another seizure and am banned for another 12 months - but it's fine and I'm back on the road. Yay!)

4.28 miles
10m 26s a mile.
Really slow.

On my leisurely way round the downs I was overtaken by a young perfect person and I began to berate myself for being the way I am - slow, overweight, red in the face, ungainly - I could go on. But then I got a grip - ff sake, I thought, I am in my 50s and still running - I might not be fast or particularly fit - but I compare well with most women my age and running is part of how I define myself. The ladies at my partner's running club aren't particularly fast either - they do it for all their own reasons but mostly cos they enjoy it. And there are times when I am loving the feeling - there is strength in my legs, the sun is out, people are waving (well one chap did) and I realise how blessed I am to be where I am, capable of running - I am one of the luckiest people on the planet.
Even if I do feel that sometimes I have the weight of the world on my shoulders...

To the stars, Gaia, whoever - thank you (and I accept the responsibility to care for myself)

24 Jan 2016

not exactly impressive but...

... it was a run in anyone's book. I tried putting it off as long as possible but the damn thing wouldn't go away.
So I went. It was very warm today which was odd.
But it's done and it's earned me an afternoon on the sofa admittedly doing 1/2 worky things but that's ok. And there are baked potatoes baking for later and all is good with the world.
Apart from the headache, the aching muscles, the blistery little toe and so on.
No, it's all good.
Mostly good.

10 Jan 2016


Running in the evening. Unusual. Out of character.

Still, a run's a run. And this one was fine. Far better than I'd feared. I am quite pooped now but I'd spend all afternoon watching a film, feeding tiny bits of wood into the fire. It was a full time job as the wood was all too long and needed feeding in bit by bit and they were spitty so there was a constant need to be on spark watch. And there was the issue of burning through this wood at such a pace that we kept on having to get more. It's a grubby business.

But I did go for a run.


6 Jan 2016

Happy New Year

Hmm. I did run on New Year's Day which is a thing. It was OK. I guess I am running out of excuses not to run. Although one of my colleagues said 'running's bad for you - knees' yesterday and he's a bit right. But then doing no exercise is far, far worse for your joints. And I do gym and cycle and yoga from time to time so I'm not going to use him as an excuse.

I'm not going to set targets or anything this year (have I ever?) just go out there as and when and enjoy it as far as that can happen. If I sign up for a 10K or half marathon then so be it.
But I doubt that I will...