10 Apr 2016

a run on the downs

It was OK. It made sense to drive up to the downs as it's far nicer than running from home. And I am very down these days. I know running's supposed to give you a lift and I guess it does. I'm still on the 16:8 (not exactly losing a shedload of fat but there you go) so I was running on an empty stomach. It was tough to begin with but it got a little easier later on.
44m 53s
4.47 miles
10m 02 per mile.
I am a jogger not a runner. Being a jogger is a fine and noble pursuit. It's good for me and keeps my mind off the current shitty nature of my life as I see it. I have no right to call my life in any way shitty compared with 99.9% of the world - but I am down.
When will the good things happen?

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