17 Sept 2016

2 runs

Am I getting a bit ocd about these posts? I mean - no one cares if I do one after every run or not and it's not like it changes anything... But in truth I do like to look back and see what previous runs have been like - and how much pain I was in, that sort of thing...

so - the last 2 runs (not exactly over doing the commitment to running...)

4 sept
4.4 miles - 9 53 a mile

17 sept
4.53 miles - 9 min 55 a mile

so nothing life-changing - but nothing too shabby either

The most recent one (today) - I actually went a different route -  I went down past the allotments and along the railway line for a little while and then back up to ashley hill. It was disappointingly not very far as it was a lovely route (very green and no traffic) and then I just did the normal route. But changing is good.

Pains and so on - well, my hip is still troubling me a bit but the pain might be in a different place, or does the stress put on it by running helps it repair??? I don't know. Plus I tried to engage my hamstrings a bit more which engages my glutes which is something I really need to do more of.
So that's all good.

And it's all done in a fasted state so hopefully an effective weight-loss thing as I'm not eating until midday at the earliest - a 16-hour fast which is something I've been doing for a few months and have lost 10-12 lbs. Feel much better for it. Would like to lose a little more fat to feel a bit more angular. The main downside is that as I'm quite short it's extraordinarily hard to find clothes which fit. Perhaps I should try children's - they seem to grow quite large these days....

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