19 Aug 2016

Never without pain...

One day I will get through a run without a nagging pain.
But not yet

Today was hip and heel pain. The saga of the hip is that I have been to the osteopath and she gave me the most painful massage ever - really digging into the muscles. I had to go to my happy place to get through it tbh. But I didn't cry or use the safeword.

And the outcome is that my hip is more painful. I'm working on the assumption that this means something (ultimately) good is happening in there. I have stretches to work on as well which are painful and necessary. I sit around so much everything that should be moving and loose is tight and stiff. I'm getting old but there is no real reason why I can't keep supple and fit - apart from the arthritis thing everything just needs keeping moving.

Use it or lose it

I actually went to the gym before the run (and had cycled up there as well - I am a superhero)
3.21 miles
10.04 mins a mile. Slow but ffs I was in pain and I actually went out and did it

well done me

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