24 Mar 2016

Running for mental health

There is a lot of evidence to support that running is good for your mental health - reducing stress hormones, improving appetite and sleep, having a goal even if it's just to get out of the house and run for 30 mins.
I do harbour a few mental health issues - general depression, anxiety, the usual modern afflictions - and I never regret going for a run even if it's a huge effort to get out there.
Perhaps it's time to make a greater commitment to just getting out there
I may even take the radical step of running in my walking shoes (the clumpy merell things). I have run in them before - in France on a holiday - and it was ok. With the mid-foot strike there is less need for the heel cushioning and there is plenty of support around the mid-foot. It's a plan in case I decide to go away in May and only want to take the one pair of shoes. It's going to add a level of suspense to today's run...

I got ready to go and convinced myself it was a good idea. And I truly believed that it would do me good and was happy at the thought.
I drove up to the downs and the heavens opened. I was tooled up with the app and headphones and ready to go. But I gave in. Decided that a hot bath would do me more good. I started driving back home - but then the rain stopped so I forced myself to get over myself and run.
I set off and felt like shit. I was heavy and slow and desperately unhappy. I walked a bit of the way.
In total I dragged myself for 1.6 miles and came home.
Now I feel terrible, a failure. I spent the rest of the day eating and making myself sick. Hate that it's come to this.
I know that on a better day I would tell the story differently - that despite the rain I went for a run which is an achievement
But today I feel wuite down.

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