15 Dec 2014

No big deal...

 Just went for another run last Friday - no mapmyrun app to garner stats, just me and a useless ipod to listen to the radio (it nearly deafened me as the signal came and went...) and I ran the usual route up past the prison, past the moggery, looping back along coldharbour rd, glos rd and the sefton park straight...

No big deal then. Felt very ordinary, no pain, no drama...


9 Dec 2014

I have been for a run

Of course I have been far, far too busy to actually get off my bum and go for a run - so very, very busy...

This is a lie

Today was the first time I've been running since the last post. Not very impressive is it.
Except in the preceding weeks I have turned 50 and yet I still went for a run.

3.72 miles
36m 20s
9m 45s a mile
not the worst ever - but every time I go for a run it's a run.

19 Oct 2014

Another Tech Fail

OK get these stats:
4.88 miles
37.19 mins
7min 39secs permile

I am an elite athlete...

In truth I don't think the the gps thingy had quite homed in on my position and so it possibly gave me a very flattering reading at first - in fact the first mile and a bit was run in a pace of a shade over 3 mins a mile... Still, it was quite amusing. Not very amusing, but a little

It was tiring, it was OK - my left hip hurt which I think is due to lack of mobility - I really must do those stretches I was given some years back - I'm sure they will work...

In all it was a good idea to go for a run - I do feel better - if knackered - for doing it.

5 Oct 2014

5" run

Honestly - 5 seconds. If I'm listening to redux I have to make sure it doesn't disappear when I leave wifi so I start and pause the mapmyrun thing, get the sounds going and then I start mapmyrun.
I didn't start it. I was getting concerned when I didn't get an update 1/2 way through.
Hey ho.
It was the same route as last time at I guess about the same pace.  So I'll assume it was all that.

Concerned about my stomach - it felt like it was full of lead. I know I had a bit of a hangover this morning - but it was about 4pm when I ran so that should have gone. I guess it's just that I am very unfit.
And my left hip started aching - too tight I guess - I need to stretch.

21 Sept 2014

Bad times

4.02 miles
10min 7secs a mile
I ran round the downs and it was stupidly hard work. I did the 5:2 diet for the first time this week so I guess there was an issue with energy but it's ridiculous. I am so unfit it's embarrassing. Is it an age thing? I stand no chance if it's to do with age. So should I continue? I want to feel OK about doing a 5-mile run, that's all. I guess if I'm ever to run 5 miles in under 45 mins I'm going to have to work really hard, and I don't know it I've got in me to go down that line.
I did enjoy running round the downs though - far nicer than round the streets. It was the 1/2 marathon today and I kind of know there is no chance I will ever do one of those again. Not that I'm that bothered tbh.

6 Sept 2014

Sometimes I impress myself

3.56 miles
9mins 48 pace

Sloooow but at least I went back out there for the first time in a million years and did a run. It was hard work. I am very unfit for running. I know that means I have to run more and get fitter, simple. I may even treat myself to some new running kit. Oooo, yes!

About 30 mins after I finished running, it's started raining. I am blessed.

16 Aug 2014

I am a jogger, not a runner

Not that the whole jog/run thing is important but this morning I tipped into the 10+ mins per mile category. I brought it back, but for a while I was down there with the joggers...

3.13 miles in 30m 45s which is 9m49s a mile. It's also 323 calories which just about cancels out the huge hunk of cheese I had after breakfast.

It's no way to carry on is it

8 Aug 2014

almost not worth the effort...

On 28th July I ran 2.8 miles in 27min25 - 9min 40 per mile

It's really not very impressive is it? At least I went for a run. Which I haven't done for 11 days now.

Not very impressive

7 Jul 2014

baby steps

Slow baby steps at that...
3.52 miles at 9min 40 a mile
I was trying to make myself feel better by believing  the 1st half was mostly uphill but frankly I think even 9mins 30 is a way off for me as yet - too fat, to unfit. Something to work on I guess - although it makes the likelihood of the 5in45 challenge a little unrealistic. That would mean a 9-minute mile (5 of them in fact) which is a tough ask. I know it's nothing to most other people but I have to accept my limits and run because I enjoy it and because it keeps me fit - and you can do it any time and it's a good way of seeing new places. Many reasons to run. Really very few reasons not to - hurty feet/knees/hips - blisters, fractures that sort of thing. I have accepted I'm better running in the supportive shoes not my beloved merrell minimals. Perhaps when I'm much lighter and stronger and fitter I will return. I feel like my ideal shoes would be some with support on the front of my foot rather than the heel as that's where the rolling and weakness comes in... That and some which aren't 1/2 a size too small... And wear socks.
Rambling now
Which is a fair description of my running style. :)

30 Jun 2014

2 runs

1.41 miles @ 9min 58 and 2.6 miles at 9min 30

Really quite happy with those runs... The second one I think I could have gone further but I didn't want to push it
I'm quite surprised I'm still doing 9mins 30 pace as I feel slow (I know it IS slow, I'm not deluding myself) but I hope I can keep up this improvement. Must run more than once a week I guess.

Injury news - nothing to do with running but I've pulled a muscle in my hip - I think it's the abductor - it hurts when I turn corners or go upstairs anyway. It's stopping me walking and cycling today but I guess it'll be ok in a day or so. It just hurts and I am fed up with being in pain from injuries...

4 Jun 2014

Not there yet...

I'm not exactly throwing myself into the return to running am I? I still have an idea that some sparkly new clothing might make all the difference, but I am fooling myself
I have a bad back which doesn't help - but all such things are connected...
I hurt my foot cos I was running a bit twisted which meant I cycled more than walked to work which exacerbated the (possible) cause of the bad back which is that my saddle was too high so that when I was going uphill, at the bottom of the pedal my lower back was twisting slightly to get the power on...
So, if the saddle height is the cause of all this, it would explain the stress fracture, the hurty foot and the bad back.
If this is the case, then everything is solved. If only everything in life was that simple...

27 May 2014

I'm back!

Well, kind of... If you can call 0.94 miles 'a run' then, yes, I'm back...

23 May 2014

5 minutes

I ran for 5 minutes on the treadmill this morning. It felt good. My foot still has a small lump which I think could turn against me again so I'm not going to push this recovery. I reckon if I do 5 minutes on the treadmill every time I go to the gym, then this will strengthen my foot and all that goes with it and I will be back before long
The long road to running starts here.

19 May 2014

fingers crossed...

My foot's stopped hurting today. I just noticed this morning that I hadn't winced

16 May 2014


Well, I'm still not back running, but I think it'll be soon...
I am getting very bored of being in pain with every step. Sometimes it hurts when I take the weight off it (barefoot, especially) and sometimes it just kicks in during a step. It's better in birkenstocks.
Thing is, to avoid the pain of walking I have to use my hurty big toe more.
I feel life is not being fair at the moment.
Oh I know there are far worse things that could happen, but when I try and do everything right and I still end up injured I feel unhappy.

9 Apr 2014

enough is enough

It's now 18 days since it started hurting and it's still hurting. Oh, to be honest, on some days the pain is a different sort, in a different place, but it's still a pain...
The physio got my foot back on straight so I can now put it flat down on the ground. But  I think that might have increased the irritation on the nerve or something. And now there are shooting pains going into my ankle.
I've booked into the doctors this afternoon so perhaps they might be able to shed some light on it. Perhaps they will tell me to get the weight off it for a few days - that'll be interesting. Anti-inflammatories, that sort of thing.
Hey ho. I think I'm fairly confident it's not a stress fracture.
And that's the good news...

7 Apr 2014

16 days later...

...and the pain is still there
I'm going to see the physio in an hour or so, but that's not going to cure it. Hopefully it'll straighten me out enough to stop it happening again and I can resume running with confidence...
In the meantime it's bloody painful. I keep thinking it's worn off then I walk funny on it and it's off again. I would be very happy for it not to hurt at all for a while...

emotional level: glum

22 Mar 2014

Good news, bad news

Good news -  I ran more than 5 miles this morning...
5.18 miles at 9m35s a mile. Happy with those numbers

Bad news - I have hurt my foot. I feel it might be serious in the sense that it could stop me running in the future. I have hallux rigidus in my right big toe joint. It's painful - very painful - at times but until now it hasn't affected my running.
I think there is a combination of factors here - one is the big toe joint not working well. This forces me to run a little on the side of my right foot which obviously puts a strain on other bones and joints. Not good. Also my shoes are a bit rubbish - they have lost their grip (I can believe it's the way I'm running which makes my feet slip on the road...) also I have quite sweaty feet these days and with no socks on my feet are sliding around a bit. I guess when I feel brave enough to run again I'll try socks and see if that solves the problem (s)

I feel very unhappy about this. If it is enough to stop me running I will feel crap. I live with runners and they are gleeful about running further, faster, more heroically and I feel really pissed off with them. I am never going to be in their league obviously but if I can't even keep going for myself then it's going to take a lot of adjustment on my part.
I am angry.

19 Mar 2014

A first

This morning I broke all expectations and went to the gym - then went for a run.
It makes perfect sense of course - while I'm off work for a while, I need to keep up with the fitness - and actually spend more time on getting fitter. So I cycles up to the top of blackboy hill and my lovely gym, then ran round the downs and cycled home. And it wasn't as awful as I thought it might have been...  It was hard work and I had to walk up the cross-country section, but apart from that - this is how it panned out:

4.63 miles in 44m29s
which is a less than impressive 9min 35secs a mile.

Good enough for an overweight middle-aged trout?

12 Mar 2014

Get me!

I have just run at lunchtime at work. Blooming amazing.

It took 70 mins from desk to desk which is ok - there is no excuse not to make it a regular thing, frankly.

Stats: well, the first one which came up in the headphones was for a 9'07" mile which reflects the fact it's pretty flat at the start. But I did the cross country bit and the hill just defeated me: I actually had to walk for a while.
So overall I did 3.02 miles at 9'28" a mile - so not too shabby really.
And I'm just really pleased that I made the effort - OK it's alovely day and I'm sure if it was raining I would not have gone. And it is such a kerfuffle getting changed, cycling up there, running, shower remembering keys - headphones - phone etc etc - but I expect it's done me a power of good.

10 Mar 2014

What have I done?

It's kind of the opposite of unleashing a monster - I've tamed a placid lamb...

Running yesterday in the beautiful clear crisp morning sunshine was the nearest it gets to being a pleasure. (Note to self - I need a different route: even though the daffs are coming out I feel I have done that run so many times...)

Stats, though, don't make for happy reading
4.3 miles
9min 47 a mile

9 mins 47 seconds to run a mile - quite the slowest I've been for a while.
Excuses: the day before we'd spent in London walking. Walking for miles and miles. In shoes with paper-thin soles (shoes are now in recyling - much as I like them they've had their chips) So my feet were none too great and my feet are my achiles heel (you see what I did there...)

I am definitely going slower and slower. At this rate the 10k will take me... (pause to calculate...) over an hour. That's poor. Last time I did it was under 56 mins. surely I can aim to go that fast this time?
Or is it the taking part, the fact I'm a fatty old bird doing it, enough?

I don't know.

I do know I hate this ageing thing cos everything you thought of as being anything like permanent turns out to be anything but...

23 Feb 2014

A new approach

I have decided I can't pretend to be a runner. I am a jogger. My natural pace is about 9'30" a mile and I should be happy with that. When I try and push myself is when I get blisters and worse. So I am going to be happy with my natural pace and take the benefit from going at that speed. If I get faster along the way then that's fine. What I want to avoid is the feeling that I'm failing if I can't run as fast as my v fit boyf or 18 year old stepdaughter. Not going to happen.

stats then...
4.27 miles
41m 18s
9m 40s a mile. Slow. But I did it (and I still have aching calves so I'm glad I didn't push it any more)

Whether this new approach will continue I have no idea, but I think I will be happier if I run this sort of thing 3 times a week. And by doing that I guess I will be faster.

13 Feb 2014

It's a start...

4.32 miles
40.42 mins

It's been really terrible weather recently but I managed to avoid a massive deluge by about 5 mins :D

Is it cos I am so unfit that I struggle with energy for these runs? There comes a point about 30 mins in when I just run out of puff. I even had a bit of breakfast this morning so it's not that. And one of the main reasons for running is to lose weight so I wouldn't be happy to up the calories when I only used 444 this morning.
How annoying is it that running uses about 100 calories a mile... You would have thought it would have been a lot more than that.
But no.

But hey ho - I have been for a run and it didn't kill me. Perhaps it truly is a start and this is where I train up to a regular 5 mile circuit and then for the 10k in May. I would really like to do that in under an hour and ideally under 55 mins which was how long I took to run the last one. It will help if I've lost a bit of weight by then of course but I guess the best training is just to get keep going out there and running.

19 Jan 2014

pushing it now...

Well, at least it was a run. It's been a long time since the last one so I went for it a bit. It was a nice morning - cold but really sunny. Perfect.

stats - 4.45 miles in 40mins 37 secs
9mins 07secs a mile - pretty good for me

So the big question in my mind anyway is - can I get to do 5 miles in 45 mins? On paper perhaps I could. Perhaps I am kidding myself.

5 Jan 2014

I thought this was supposed to get easier...

3.8 miles at 9mins 11 a mile.

Not a bad pace but bloody hell it was tough. I know I've put on weight and it's really taking its toll.
I need to get out 2 or 3 times a week for any improvement to be made (but it's soooo cold out there I find it hard to get motivated)
I also have to believe that it's doing me good. I have a feeling that it's not helping me at all - not to lose weight cos I don't run enough plus there is the issue of injuries which I'm getting quite paranoid about...
I guess I just need to get over myself and get on with it. It's hard work, of course it is, but once I get up to a comfortable 5 miles at that pace I can begin to bed it into my regime. (why I can't do that NOW I have no idea)