7 Jul 2014

baby steps

Slow baby steps at that...
3.52 miles at 9min 40 a mile
I was trying to make myself feel better by believing  the 1st half was mostly uphill but frankly I think even 9mins 30 is a way off for me as yet - too fat, to unfit. Something to work on I guess - although it makes the likelihood of the 5in45 challenge a little unrealistic. That would mean a 9-minute mile (5 of them in fact) which is a tough ask. I know it's nothing to most other people but I have to accept my limits and run because I enjoy it and because it keeps me fit - and you can do it any time and it's a good way of seeing new places. Many reasons to run. Really very few reasons not to - hurty feet/knees/hips - blisters, fractures that sort of thing. I have accepted I'm better running in the supportive shoes not my beloved merrell minimals. Perhaps when I'm much lighter and stronger and fitter I will return. I feel like my ideal shoes would be some with support on the front of my foot rather than the heel as that's where the rolling and weakness comes in... That and some which aren't 1/2 a size too small... And wear socks.
Rambling now
Which is a fair description of my running style. :)

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