13 Feb 2014

It's a start...

4.32 miles
40.42 mins

It's been really terrible weather recently but I managed to avoid a massive deluge by about 5 mins :D

Is it cos I am so unfit that I struggle with energy for these runs? There comes a point about 30 mins in when I just run out of puff. I even had a bit of breakfast this morning so it's not that. And one of the main reasons for running is to lose weight so I wouldn't be happy to up the calories when I only used 444 this morning.
How annoying is it that running uses about 100 calories a mile... You would have thought it would have been a lot more than that.
But no.

But hey ho - I have been for a run and it didn't kill me. Perhaps it truly is a start and this is where I train up to a regular 5 mile circuit and then for the 10k in May. I would really like to do that in under an hour and ideally under 55 mins which was how long I took to run the last one. It will help if I've lost a bit of weight by then of course but I guess the best training is just to get keep going out there and running.

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