10 Sept 2006

This time next week it will all be over... How will I feel? Have no idea at all...

This morning's run should have been a 60-minute easy but I did an hour and half and included 2 laps of the steep hill and cross country section (sounds more gruelling than it is - it's only about 1/2 mile or so) and realised I have more muscles at my disposal than I have been using (the ones down the back of your legs - are they hamstrings?) so basically I could have been a world-class athlete if only I'd known...

Hey Ho.

The bad news is that the instep blister is back - despite wearing the 1000-mile socks which guarantee no blisters, there it was, throbbing away and making life very uncomfortable. Everything else which normally aches was hurting at the usual level so I guess I haven't done any permanant damage to myself over the past few weeks.

A couple more runs during the week, although I'm so busy at work that might be a struggle, and then it's the big day. I feel OK about it - nervous of course, but then isn't the unknown always a bit nerve-wracking?

I am so looking forward to finishing!

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