6 Sept 2006

It's very disillusioning to keep going on these training runs and for them to get no easier... The only difference seems to be that I feel less injured and pained when I finish. Is that what it's about?

I have become a hyper-hypochondriac - every little ache and pain has some dark significance - my heel hurts a bit this morning - obviously this is an achilles problem which will require surgery. The twisting foot thing is another operation and as for the cramp in my left hip, well nothing short of a hip replacement will sort that out.

It's going to be odd afterwards, when I can say 'I ran the Bristol half marathon' rather than admitting I'm going to do it but trying to play it down as I feel self-conscious about taking part. I think that's why I'm avoiding the sponsorship thing - I don't want to draw attention to myself. But it would make sense to use this effort to raise some dosh, wouldn't it?

I know it is a fairly good achievement, not everyone would do it so I shouldn't put it down and apologise for predicting a slow time - it won't be the slowest and only 15,000 are doing the run. It should be an amazing experience.

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