5 Sept 2006

My worry today is what on earth am I going to think about during the run?

I am utterly used to having the radio or ipod to listen to and take my mind off the awful process of running. I know there'll be lots going on around me but that will all be to do with running, rather than something to take my attention away.

Perhaps the plan should be to make this part of my final-stage training - self-hypnosis to separate my physical being from the pain and boredom.

Also, the route takes in the Portway as usual, but that seems to be the second half of the race - I think psychologically, once the Portway is done, then you feel the race is almost run. In fact the race will almost be run - not sure if that's a good thing - I mean I'll have gone miles before even setting foot on the Portway. But then, so will everyone else.

And another thing - I don't want to be last. I know I'm going to be down there with the fatties, the oldies and the people recovering from operations, but I would hate to be one of the plucky red-faced freaks who end up featured in the amusing music montage at the local news coverage, getting a patronising pat on the head for being so brave (while everyone has a good laugh and wonders what on earth they were thinking of believeing they could take on the challenge of a half marathon...)

I haven't run today - on a 2-day rest from my magnificent 12-miler on Sunday.
Laurels thoroughly rested upon.

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