14 Sept 2006

Ok I’ve done my last training run before the thing on Sunday and it wasn’t brilliant. I mean, my left leg seems to have rediscovered how to shrink its IT band until it hurts and my right foot feels deformed. Apart from that I feel OK.

I reckon by mile 3 I should be warmed up and the initial agonies should be done with. Then about 5 miles the troubles with the left leg start and by 7 the right foot joins in.
I haven’t had the shoulder spasms for a bit or a stitch, but they should kick in about 7 miles as well.

I am trying a ‘less bounce, more foreward’ style of running – it seems to make sense; you don’t want to bounce cos it hurts your feet etc and the point is to get further along the road. I feel a little self-conscious when doing it but then who is going to be looking at me?

And the weather…
Dark cloud with sunbeams and one raindrop. 22C. Could be worse: at least if it rains a bit you can’t see how much sweat there is…

I do have concerns about how well my various joints will stand the distance, but I also know that when I cross that finish line I will feel terrific.

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