4 Jul 2010

5.92 miles, 56' 09", 9' 28"/mile, 592 cals

Hurrah - a feel-good run.
Apart from being exceptionally out of breath heading up to the observatory.
On the last mile or so I really went for it and got my speed up to 8 1/2 mins a mile which is quite impressive for me. (There is an element of endorphin still knocking around me I reckon)
So I feel quite pleased with myself - but there is a downside - by putting in this extra effort and getting some sort of result from it - will I have to continue doing this and try harder and harder each time? Most of me wants this to get easier and easier, not harder. There might even be a danger that if I did do the 1/2 marathon again I might really try and beat 2 1/2 hours. And that would mean dedication and commitment. Hmmm.

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