29 Feb 2012

Still hurts

It's not good. The only cure is rest. I did the calf exercise at the gym this morning and it made my achilles hurt so I stopped it.
So what happens next? I'm going to pop into Moti to see if they have any advice - I haven't run since last time cos that seemed to be a bad idea. But I don't want to stop altogether and I don't want to go back to the old style. Perhaps that's not the worst thing that can happen.
Bit down, in truth. It's a kind of wake-up thing telling me I'm getting old and it'll take a long time to heal and then a long time again to get back to the level I was at before. (which wasn't very impressive frankly...)

26 Feb 2012

Poxy new running shoes

OK it's not the fault of the shoes but I am hurting in the achilles dept and it's cos of the shoes. I think the only way to progress here is to run in my old shoes (but barefoot stylee) and hope to build up some sort of stamina like that.
I've heard it can take 6 months to get as runny as you were in old shoes doing this - and I'm beginning to believe it. I'd thought initially that it was the calf muscles that were the deciding factor, but I guess it's more about Achilles - it certainly is for me.
It's very annoying cos I know this is the better way to run, and I've spent a shed load of money getting the right shoes for the job. It feels harsh to think that I'm still gong to have to go through all this pain when I was hoping for a fast change.
So, at some point this week I will drag out my newish old shoes and go for a longer barefoot run in them. Seems a bit arse about face but there you go...

21 Feb 2012

running backwards

Well, not exactly running backwards, just a feeling of going backwards...

My right achilles seems to be aching and I think it's a good idea not to run until it's better. But I don't know how that's going to take.
I ran on Sunday morning (not very far but a bit faster cos I was running late) (Running late... I'll get my coat) and it's now Tuesday morning. Admittedly it is easing quite a bit and I guess I'm just making excuses not to run.

Which is a bad state of mind really.

14 Feb 2012

Is it getting easier?

Well, I'm going a little bit further every time (up to about 20 mins now - woohoo) - but what I've found is I prefer running uphill - not sure why. I expect there is some mechanical reason for it.
And my feet ache  - they're quite painful first thing in the morning, but they do calm down a bit. Perhaps I tie my laces too tight and should allow my footsies to move around a bit more...
The other thing is niggly knees - they're quite hurty going upstairs but once they've been warmed up a bit they're fine...
And I must - must - keep up with the back stretches as my back is getting achy again

These are the ramblings of an ageing person who is in denial, no???

12 Feb 2012


Well, I've run every day apart from yesterday and Thursday this week.
Is it getting any easier? Hard to say really. No harder, certainly.
There's still a lot of stress going on on my feet, especially the right one (I am generally wonky) which I guess will work its way out eventually.
But I'm still finding it really tough - much harder than I would have hoped. I think I'm not terribly fit at the moment but this is taking the mick.
So the plan is to keep on going for it and I guess eventually I will be back up to my old distance, if not the speed, and hopefully without the various knee and hip niggles which were troubling me before.
Fingers crossed.

7 Feb 2012


New shoes, new running style - what could possibly go wrong?

Well, nothing really. I went for 1.1 miles or so to get used to the new shoes and it was OK. Until about 0.1 miles in and it became clear that these shoes weren't going to make this easy.
The old shoes really support your feet - these don't. There is a lot of effort to come out of your feet with these, which makes your feet very tired very quickly. I could feel the ache starting in the back of my calves as well, so after this miniscule run I was quite glad to be stopping.

But I know I will have to keep it up to get over this teething problem.

I know of other people who're switching over - people who are far fitter than I am - and they are also finding it a bit painful. It's a matter of perseverance I think, and not going too far too fast.
I think I can manage that side of it - it's the keeping going for weeks on end which will be the struggle...

5 Feb 2012

New Era

Have taken the plunge and gone for some merrell barefooty sort of running shoes.
So much for this being the cheap option, however...
Anyway - they put me on the treadmill and they felt amazing. In fact it makes you wonder how much the big shoe companies are playing down such things as they want to continue making a fortune from the anti-pronation, complex supporting shoes they've been flogging us for the past generation.
I hope I'm going to use them...
The chap in the shop said it can takes ages to get used to the style, but my treadmill work looked good, like it was coming naturally (that's how it feels) but I know I have to build it up slowly. In truth I'm so out of shape at the mo it'll probably work better for me to build up to the hour-long run over the next couple of months and then perhaps the calfs won't be quite so whingy...