7 Feb 2012


New shoes, new running style - what could possibly go wrong?

Well, nothing really. I went for 1.1 miles or so to get used to the new shoes and it was OK. Until about 0.1 miles in and it became clear that these shoes weren't going to make this easy.
The old shoes really support your feet - these don't. There is a lot of effort to come out of your feet with these, which makes your feet very tired very quickly. I could feel the ache starting in the back of my calves as well, so after this miniscule run I was quite glad to be stopping.

But I know I will have to keep it up to get over this teething problem.

I know of other people who're switching over - people who are far fitter than I am - and they are also finding it a bit painful. It's a matter of perseverance I think, and not going too far too fast.
I think I can manage that side of it - it's the keeping going for weeks on end which will be the struggle...

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