24 Aug 2010

RIP ipod #2

I've killed another ipod.

The screen had the white horizontal lines at the weekend (see previous post) - but at least the thing was working.
But by yesterday the screen was covered in white lines. So I did the reset thing when you hold the menu and centre buttons down together - and the screen went totally blank white.
So I plugged it into the laptop - AND THE THING SQUEAKED - I kid you not. Ipods shouldn't make a noise.
I tried the restore option but it wouldn't have it.
Result - one utterly dead ipod.

So I'm taking it back to the Apple store this evening and the result I want is an upgrade replacement - one with the built-in radio and video camera - as a goodwill thing. We'll see how much Steve Jobs loves his customers...
What I will probably get is this one repaired or replaced with another identical one. I will have to steel myself for the confrontation.
Wish me well...

(ahh - what if they say it's my fault and won't do anything????)

BTW the upshot of the ipod tragedy is that I didn't go for a run this morning as I didn't have anything to listen to: can I force myself out on the pavements with no aural stimulation in future?
Watch this space.

Not literally.

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