27 Aug 2010

The dead ipod story continues

It was the lesser outcome - a replacement for the dead one. I know I should be grateful they're exchanging it and all that but I would have at least liked to get a different colour. Plus there was the added annoyance of not being able to get it exchanged on my first visit - apparantly you have to book a genius to get anything done there (Don't they trust their non-geniuses to make decisions?) AND they didn't have the right one in stock so I have to wait for it to come in and then go back again (third visit) and collect it. Meh.

And, no, I can't get going for a run when there is no ipod to listen to. Although, if they don't let me have a new one today/tomorrow, I will have to force myself out and run with only the sound of my own internal voices to amuse me.

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