24 Oct 2009

Haven't been running this week - but am on road to recovery (apparantly)

The gym people say I'm wonky when I run which is making one leg take all the pressure and hurting my calf. Well, I know I'm wonky cos when I run in the mud my right calf has mud kicked up it and my left one doesn't - something wrong there.
So now I"m changing tack on the weights machines and I'm being strapped into some medieval things - core strengtheners mainly which are tough - and one which specifically does your calves - very, very painful as your calf muscles are really quite small. The worst aspect though is that the main core one, a twisting one, is the machine which faces incoming people. Always hoped I would never have to get strapped into that one...

I'm almost 1/2 way through this 12-week programme - what do I do after it? The temptation is to sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labours - but those fruits will last about 4 weeks and I'll be back to square one. So I have to sign up to the place for a good while longer I reckon - and I'm getting on, I mean I don't want to be the oldest person there (which I'm not yet)

Hey ho - it feels good to be doing something positive about it rather than moaning about it!

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