20 Jul 2006

Deja Vu
I was out with the larks and the milk floats AGAIN this morning. It works: by being so early you don't go through the 'I've just got in from work, I need to unwind before I go running' nonsense. In fact the first coherent thought I had this morning was 'blimey I'm out running'...

Sock shock
My previous tip of applying vaseline to blisters didn't work this morning - large blister on my left instep is now refilled with blister-juice. Perhaps new socks are in order.

Wot no Endorphins
Still waiting for those endorphins to kick in... Perhaps it's when you finish a run you get the warm fuzzy glow? I was hoping it was when I got into my stride, I would suddenly feel my life has a meaning and it is running. Perhaps I expect too much.

I really hope that there is a feeding station or whatever they're called at about 6 miles cos that's when my legs decide they need breakfast. At which point there will only be 8 miles to go. Glad it's a flat course.

Of course I wear a sensible regulation sports bra, but what about those other little bits which need some support? Bum for one (not such a little bit) - it bounces as I run which is no doubt hilarious. Also flabby belly - but a corset might be taking it a little too far.
But could there be a market in active ladies' foundation garments? I could make a fortune. Just think - being wobbly is enough to put loads of women off doing bouncy exercise - so why not develop a range of hi-tech, firm hold clothing for wannabe active ladies? I am going to be so rich.

Plans, promises
I need to keep going on this early morning running - twice a week plus one longer run at the weekend. By 17th Sept I'll be fit as a racing snake. But not as scaley.

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