29 Aug 2023

50% chance of rain

Usual dilemma: 50% chance of rain so I decided it would be foolish beyond reason to go out. 

However, I can be foolish beyond reason so out I went.

Happily, there was no rain. Also I had my new bum bag which was sold as some kind of miracle running accessory because it has a hole for your headphone cable to poke through. It's just a bum bag though. And it would keep my phone dry if it did rain. So I know I look like a bit of a twat but surely the point is I'm out there. If people choose to judge then so be it.

4.14 km

6m 47 per km

Not sure how the usual route was shorter today but I do go round the back of Tescos which may be some kind of portal...

25 Aug 2023


I hate that feeling when you know you can't get enough oxygen into your lungs. My lungs. Yours are probably very capacious. 

But I didn't even slow down much which I am taking as a win. 

It was the normal route:


6m 36s per km 

So quite acceptable for me.

I was remembering that not so long ago I would run down to the city farm in St Werberghs then along the railway path, up the loooong hill back to Horfield Common and back home. That feels impossible now.  And I know even if I set that as some kind of a goal, I don't care enough to go for it. After all, what would come next? I want to enjoy running, to feel the benefits and frankly I'm not great at challenging myself. Although completing the C25K was a pretty awesome achievement. For a low achiever... 

21 Aug 2023

No excuses

Nothing truly hurt. 

Did 4.3km at 6m 43s so pretty standard.

The biggest struggle other than actually getting out of the door is getting my sports bra fastened. 

My lungs were screaming as I'm unfit - but this is how I will get fit, of course. 

It's very simple and yet I've been making a song and dance about it for so long I don't know how to just get over myself and nonchalantly go for a run 

1. is the weather going to be ok

2. kit      a. bra - always a challenge to get into 

               b. what do I wear to feel like I've covered up the worst bits?

               c. will I be warm/cool enough?

3. sounds - what to listen to - podcasts are best but there are some very dull ones out there. I've taken to deciding the night before but it's still a bit hit or miss. And don't get me started on trying to find ones I'm 1/2 way through but haven't subscribed to, or getting the next one to play in order (looking at you BBC Sounds) Sometimes it's easier to listen to live radio or some motivational music. 

4. How far to go - so scared of going too far and not being able to get back. I have never been unable to get back (Other than stress fractures and calf pulls...)

etc - it's all just flummery

14 Aug 2023

No drama

Just a run, avoided the rain, and no significant pain. 

But goodness was I tired. I had very little energy - not sure why. Age? Too much extra weight?

Whatever, I deliberately slowed down a lot towards the end - but at least I didn't stop. The voice from the C25K was in my head, saying something like:  'I know you're tired but you can do this.'  So is that the lasting legacy of C25K? Whatever, I got through the whole run without dying. So well done me. 


6m 38per km. Insanely fast - no wonder I was tired... 

I do wonder if the mapmyrun app is accurate, though. I can't believe I was that fast over the whole distance. I did do a burst for the last 100m or so and that was a killer but I can't believe it would have made much difference to the overall speed.

It's still a win though, and I'll take that. 

8 Aug 2023

What's going on?

Me: I'm going for a run this morning 

Weather Forecast: it's going to rain 

Me: I'm not going for a run, I'll do the garden instead

WF: Didn't you see - it's going to rain so you're not going to do the garden either are you 

Me: True. I'm going to stay in bed

Me (looking out of the window at the actual weather) But it's not raining now...

WF: um, right - but it will be, you mark my words. Symbols.

Me: I could go now and hopefully beat the rain... (does warm-up exercises) 

WF: Don't say I didn't warn you

Me: (leaving out the house) I'll come back if it does tank down

(Double-checks the weather forecast)

Me: Now you're saying it's not going to rain

WF: You have passed the test. Well done

Me: I'm having an imaginary conversation with the Met Office weather app.

It was fine. Usual niggles


6m 41 per km

And it didn't rain 


3 Aug 2023

Well done me

I surprised myself this morning: there I was noodling away on the sofa wondering how accurate the rain forecast was going to be (it should have been raining then but wasn't) when I realised I have a thing to do at 10am and if I didn't get going right there and then, I wasn't going to go. Of course I have not gone for a run many, many times but not this time. So off I went.

Well done me, indeed. 

Slightly achy Achilles but that seemed to ease along the way. Just the usual hip and top of hamstrings things. 

4.07 km running - don't count the warm-up walk

6m 50s per km which is respectable for me.

So if I can find another km out there I will soon be at my target. Yay.