29 May 2011

Run of the mill run

Well it was the 10km+ route, I felt a bit tired but nothing too bad. Weather was OK. Listened to the radio - Broadcasting House was interesting as usual. And then a little of the Archers.

So, all in all pretty pedestrian.

I lost my headband which is a bit annoying but frankly I looked terrible in it, don't know what I was thinking. I have hair and fringe issues, never quite sure what's the best look. But then when there is a saggy middle-aged face to flatter, there are very few options. A balaclava maybe...

But at least I went for a run. I had a shock on the bathroom scales this morning which is making me more determined to up the mileage a little. And eat less. Etc.

16 May 2011

the stats, Igor, the stats

Time: 53' 16"
PB I'll have you know. Again.

Overall placing (of 9000 runners): 3593rd (sadly the podium didn't extend beyond the first 3 places otherwise I'd have been up there...)

I'm quite pleased with myself tbh - when finishing in the middle of 1000s of others (and being overtaken by a couple of blokes literally sprinting to the line) it's easy to forget the amount of effort I put into getting there.
Pat on back.

15 May 2011


Hurray!!! I've done a PB in the 10k!!!
Not entirely sure what the actual timing will be but I crossed the line at 53 25 ish and that was after crossing the startline a few seconds after the start so I guess it's about that long.
It felt OK mostly. It's pretty flat so there's no breathlessness issues in the 1st 100m and the usual aches and pains didn't seem to materialise much either.
The hardest bit was km7 and 8 which was off the bottom of the portway and over the cumberland basin (a longer hill than you're expecting) and then the drag down past Spike Island to the Louisiana. It seems to go on and on and there is a very slight uphill slope but by then even a slight slope seems like a massive insult.
I was passing people there and was getting my breath back from the hill over the cumberland basin and it was all good.
Soooo good to get into the centre and towards the finish though... I'd missed the 9km marker but I knew exactly where the finish was and it was getting closer with every step and when I saw the clock I was delighted! I felt I'd pushed reasonably hard all the way round and so it was great to see there was a decent outcome. I guess it was cos there weren't any massive hills like there have been on the past couple of runs - plus the crowd helps (even thought it was quite sparse in places...)

so then began the job of finding boyf. We'd got separated before the start and it's a nightmare trying to find anyone in that sort of a crowd. but we got back together at the car and then off for a slap up shower and a feast at the cowshed.
So why is it that I've done that distance many times before but doing it with 9,000 other people makes it so much more knackering?

12 May 2011

all in the mind #2

Suddenly 10k seems like a very long way.

I know I've run far further even quite recently - but once there is a label on the run it seems like that is the target which makes it the hardest part of the run. Does this make any sense?
I think what I mean is I can go for a long run and be surprised at the distance when I get back. When it's a measured distance, that is the peak point of the run, the point where you have used up all your energy and you can then stop.
Plus the fact it's done in front of other people makes it more of a challenge, it makes it an event, something which can be failed. If it wasn't an event there would be ne shame in cutting a corner and going home early.


Am less optimistic about Sunday now. But that way lies ruin: I must maintain a slightly manic yet realistic positivity.

And is will all be over by 11am on Sunday. And we've already booked a Sunday lunch somewhere excellent. :)

8 May 2011

it's all in the mind

Well, some of it is foot and leg related obviously, but it's amazing how much your head is in control.
For instance, when my lovely ipod told me I'd done 10k this morning, it seemed like the hardest thing in the world to keep going let alone to keep the energy going.

But I did. What a trouper, etc.
statto - the stats:

1 hour 4 mins 39secs
6.94 miles
9'18" per mile
644 cals

Things to remember for next Sunday
the first 3 km or so are hard work - feet hurt and so on. After that the left hip begins tightening up but feet are getting better.
after that it's mind over matter.
I have to keep up the pace if I'm going to get under the hour. And that's hard work.

I've realised this morning that if I feel I'm pushing quite hard then I will equal what I did in the last 10 when I was feeling rough. But also thinner and younger. It's just the ravages of age. Perhaps I could get a lot quicker but I would have to lose about 15lbs and do a lot more training. And I don't want to do that. Perhaps I'm just not motivated enough.

Last week's run stats were:

bah - they're not kept. Today's lesson - if you want to keep your stats you have to download them otherwise the next one will overwrite the previous one...

3 May 2011

Virtuous holiday running

I primed the nike+ to do a 10k run rather than just a basic workout and set off along the treacherous road out of our holiday let in Kingsbridge. It's one of those roads where there's no footpath and the traffic's pretty racy. In one direction there's a sign to pedestrians to go through the cemetery rather than risk the side of the road. Pretty sobering when they're turning away potential customers in the interest of safety...

So, anyway, had a jog around the town, found a leisure centre then failed to get very far around the estuary. Too many private roads. Turned back and found myself running up a hill steep enough to remind me of the cheese-rolling one in Gloucestershire - I had to walk the last bit. But surprisingly (well, actually this happens every time I go up a steep hill) after I got my breath back I felt really good.
I wonder if for the 10k I'm going to have to do a quick sprint at some point as a boost... (perhaps I won't risk that...)

So then I find myself going through a rather dull housing estate before continuing along the estuary, past the cemetery and up to the bridge, as in 'Kingsbridge', that one.

By this time the nice chap on the nike+ was telling me there were 4km to go and so I reckoned I would just go for the full 10. Which was quite challenging in itself - but there was the added thing of wanting to get it done in under an hour. I know the poxy hill slowed me down rather a lot, but there is no way I'm going to beat the previous time of 57 mins something especially as I felt I ran quite well.

So perhaps this 10k race will simply be a case of trying to keep up with my younger self...