31 Oct 2010

Officially a bad-ass

Apparently once you've run 100 miles with your nike+ you get a well-known skater (?) telling you you're a bad-ass. Phew

56'45"   6.1miles   9'17" per mile   596 cals

I think there is a lot to be said for not drowning in wine the night before and carbo-loading for 24 hours to make a run a lot more effective. There was a curry night at home on Friday which kind of means there was a lot of carbos to finish off (lots of poppadoms...) and frankly I wasn't going to turn down some lush home-made chocolate cake either. So the whole low carb thing was resting for the last couple of days. I miss them now...

So, on Mondays, should I cycle to work via the gym, and do an hour's yoga in the late afternoon - and then go running with the westbury harriers? It might just be a huge amount too much frankly. And I don't want to lose the yoga. Perhaps on the nights when yoga is cancelled I go running.

Or not. I don't fancy the idea of running with other people - I feel under too much pressure to go too fast and end up being knackered and useless. I would have to be in the bottom group as it is, and where's the motivation in that? Not selling it well am I?

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