2 Sept 2010

A good run following a bad day

You know how some days are just rubbish, that you just want to fast forward through them and move on? Yesterday was like that so I had some wine before I went to bed. Daft really. Really daft, as I'd promised I wouldn't. But it was a treat to get over the bad day.

So when the alarm went off at 6am I wasn't best pleased and actually spent a few minutes arguing why I should run, that I could run after work instead. (I haven't done that for a long time, years perhaps) But as usual there wasn't a particularly good reason why I should turn over and go back to sleep and so I went for a run.

Incidentally, so did the boyf who is running the Bristol 1/2 marathon this weekend (he has done v little training as usual but will get round in 1 hour 43 mins, my prediction)

But back to me - my run was ok - it was hard to begin with, as I was going the opposite way round my normal route which means the steeper hills are first, but I got round ok.

There is a huge amount of mind over matter in these things - there are the aching buns, the boredom (even Evan Davies and Jim Naughtie aren't totally engrossing) but if you just keep going (as long as there isn't anything terminal going on with your knees etc) then you get round. It's very simple. And there is the added incentive of wanting to get back as soon as possible for a nice cup of tea. Very motivational.

PS - I'm still unsure as to the success of the (not very) low-carb diet. I've lost about 2lbs I think but surely it's only a matter of time before I am a size zero. (Although that's fairly unlikely as I'm protecting myself against that by drinking wine and eating carby fruits)

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