17 Sept 2010

Taking no chances

I've put my doubts about early morning runs to one side by not doing them - or any running at all - for the time being. No particular reason other than laziness and disillusionment.

I am fed up of feeling mediocre after doing all this exercise - I don't seem to have any more vavavoom than the rest of the couch potaotes I mix with and as for the gym bunnies I know - I just feel like a sack of spuds.

I guess it's a form of depression and one of the best ways of combating depression is to exercise...

I know I feel better for my gym sessions but I know deep down I'm not putting in the effort requred - I need the guys at the gym to force me onwards. But then the point of the gym sessions is to work until muscle failure which I read as 'failure' - not very motviationals.

So - please - I need to get my mojo back and get back on the road - perhaps all it will take is some new kit - or is that just kidding myself... (the 2nd one)

I hate feeling like this.
Sometimes it's good to look back on the bad times, sometimes it's better to put on a brave face.  (Like adam ant)


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